




方法 1

請先關閉EndNote, WORD等office文件
找到路徑:C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X8
點擊Configure Endnote->圈選Configure Endnote components->Next->勾選Cite While You Write add-in for Microsoft Office->Next->Finish

方法 2

  1. 在WORD->檔案->選項->增益集->停用的項目->如果有顯示EndNote Cite While You Write->勾選->確定。
    註:進行步驟2,在進入增益集若發生WORD停止運行等類似當機的狀態,可能是Windows Update更新未完整更新,必需更新後才能呼叫成功。
  2. 停用的項目中若沒有看到EndNote Cite While You Write,請點選下方的COM增益集->執行->EndNote Cite While You Write->勾選->確定。
  3.  若停用的項目及COM增益集中都沒有看到EndNote Citw While You Write,在COM增益集->新增->C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\ResearchSoft\Cwyw\安裝的en版本->  EndNote Cwyw.dll

方法 3



  1. 請先關閉WORD,EndNote
  2. 開啟WORD空白文件->檔案->選項->信任中心->信任中心設定->增益集->勾選停用所有應用程式增益集(可能會影響功能)->確定->確定->關閉WORD。
  3.  找到路徑:C:\Program Files (x86)\EndNote X7
    點擊Configure Endnote->圈選Configure Endnote components->Next->勾選Cite While You Write add-in for Microsoft Office->Next->Finish
  4. 再次開啟WORD空白文件->檔案->選項->信任中心->信任中心設定->增益集->取消勾選停用所有應用程式增益集(可能會影響功能)->確定->確定->關閉WORD。
  5.  在WORD->檔案->選項->增益集->COM增益集->執行->EndNote Citw While You Write->勾選->確定。
  6. 在WORD->檔案->選項->增益集->停用的項目->EndNote Citw While You Write->勾選->啟動。

完成以上設定後,開啟WORD若顯示” 要求的作業需要提升的權限”
請依序參考下說明設定EndNote 與 WORD

  1. 開始->EndNote->滑鼠右鍵->內容->相容性->勾選以系統管理員的身分執行此程式->確定

  2.  開始->WORD->滑鼠右鍵->內容->相容性->勾選以系統管理員的身分執行此程式->確定




只有Word 2016年以後的版本,或遇到OSX Mojave,才會有操作上的不同。

  1. 開啟EndNote->在EndNoteX9->Customerize…->勾取Cite While You Write->Next
  2. 可更新WORD版本,因軟體與Word相容的封包不同,可先確認使用最新版的封包版本。
MAC_EndNoteX9 for WORD 2011工具列呼叫方式(原廠英文說明)
EndNote X4/X5/X6/X7/X8 Mac OS X: After install no CWYW tools in Microsoft Word 2011 Jun 27, 2018•Article
ArticleNote: For EndNote X4, make sure you have the EndNote X4.0.2 update installed. Once updated, the “About EndNote” screen should read Build 7031. You can download EndNote: Version X4 Updates.
The simplest way to get the tools to appear is to open EndNote, and go to the EndNote menu. Select “Customizer” from the EndNote menu. Check the box in front of the “Cite While You Write” option. Click next until the Customizer is finished. Open a library. Then open Word and check the Tools menu for the EndNote submenu.

If after following the instructions above the tools still do not appear:

Close Word and EndNote.
Open your hard drive and go to the following folder:
EndNote X9: Applications: EndNote X9: Cite While You Write
EndNote X8: Applications: EndNote X8: Cite While You Write
EndNote X7: Applications: EndNote X7: Cite While You Write
EndNote X6: Applications: EndNote X6: Cite While You Write
EndNote X5: Applications: EndNote X5: Cite While You Write
EndNote X4: Applications: EndNote X4: Cite While You Write
1)Copy the file “EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle” by highlighting the file and going to “Edit > Copy.”
2)Go to the folder Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and paste the file, “Edit Paste.”

Note: In non-English versions of Word, the folder named “Startup” may be called “Start” or be in the localized language of Word.

  1. 先到上述的路徑中找到EndNote CWYW Word 2011.bundle並複製。
  2. 將複製的檔案貼在紅字對應Office路徑: Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and paste
  3. 開啟WORD->喜好設定->點擊”檔案位置” Start Word, go to “Word > Preferences” and click on “File Locations.”
  4. If the Startup folder is not set, highlight “Startup” and click on “Modify”. Select the folder
    Applications:Microsoft Office 2011:Office:Startup:Word and click “Choose.” Click “OK” and close Word.
  5. 在應用程式-> Microsoft Office 2011->啟動->修改->OK。關閉WORD
  6. Start EndNote and then start Word.
  7. 重新啟動WORD & EndNote
    Note: If the tools are still not appearing after following these steps, the Visual Basic Component may not be installed for Word 2011. For more information, see EndNote X4 and later Mac: “Could Not Fire Event” or “Can’t load visual basic for applications” error in Word 2011.
分類: 1.安裝問題, EndNote。這篇內容的永久連結

在〈Word沒有出現Endnote的工具列?〉中有 1 則留言

  1. 周暉恩表示:

