謝翠娟 教授 Prof. Tusty-Jiuan Hsieh



謝翠娟 教授   Prof. Tusty-Jiuan Hsieh 

住址:高雄市三民區十全一路100號      國際學術研究大樓七樓IR747A室
現職:高雄醫學大學醫學研究所 教授
聯絡電話:07-3121101 分機 2759#423

服 務 單 位 職 稱
高雄醫學大學醫學研究所 副教授
高雄醫學大學醫學系基因體醫學科 副教授
高雄醫學大學醫學系醫學遺傳學科 助理教授
高雄醫學大學醫學遺傳研究所 助理教授
Hotel-Dieu Hospital, Centre Hospital of University Montreal (CHUM), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. 博士後研究員
學 歷:
學位 學校名稱 科  系
博士 高雄醫學大學 醫學研究所博士班
碩士 高雄醫學大學 醫學研究所碩士班
學士 高雄醫學大學 護理學系
專 長:





大學部:哈佛線上課程(EMI)、生物化學(中、英文授課)、 研究導論、醫學遺傳技術、內分泌新陳代謝學、基因體及蛋白質體學導論、生物醫學倫理學。


  1. 93 ~ 95學年度醫學遺傳研究所行政教師
  2. 96 ~ 97學年度醫學系醫學遺傳學科行政教師
  3. 93 ~ 95學年度醫學遺傳學研究所輔導老師
  4. 96 ~ 97學年度醫學系醫學遺傳學科輔導老師
  5. 96 ~100學年度醫學系醫學遺傳學科課程委員會委員
  6. 98~103學年度環保暨安全衛生委員會委員
  7. 104~106學年度環保暨安全衛生委員會委員
  8. 100~106學年度生物實驗安全委員會總幹事
  9. 100~106學年度環保暨安全衛生室生物安全組組長
  10. 101~103學年度醫學系基因體醫學科課程委員會委員
  11. 103~112學年度醫學研究所課程委員會委員
  12. 101~102學年度醫學系基因體醫學科行政教師
  13. 101~103學年度產學推動中心-創新育成中心輔導顧問
  14. 101~104學年度醫學系基因體醫學科輔導老師
  15. 103~106學年度醫學研究所輔導老師
  16. 101~104學年度藥學院香粧品學系輔導老師
  17. 101~106學年度高雄醫學大學附設中和紀念醫院生物安全委員會委員
  18. 104~112學年度高雄醫學大學IACUC委員
  19. 104~109學年度研究發展處實驗動物中心主任
  20. 111~112學年度教務處註冊課務組組長

  1. Trainee travel award – “The Science of Diabetes Complications: Implications for Novel Therapy” International Symposium.  Toronto, Canada, 2004.
  2. In recognition of the best trainee abstract – The Canadian society of nephrology 33rd annual meeting, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2001.


序號 計畫名稱及編號 補助單位 執行期限 補助金額 計劃內擔任之工作
1 提升私校研發能量專案計畫(整合型):低劑量三聚氰胺暴露與成人腎臟相關疾病之跨領域研究(2/3)( MOST 106-2632-B-037-001) 科技部 2017/8/1至 2018/7/31 5,400,000 子計畫主持人
2 三聚氰胺進入細胞路徑及其誘發腎臟傷害之機轉研究(TP-105A08) 高醫校級環境醫學研究中心計畫 2016/9/1至 2017/10/31 600,000 主持人
3 TET蛋白家族在糖尿病腎臟傷害之角色:機轉探討及預防策略開發(MOST 105-2314-B-037 -042 -MY2) 科技部 2016/8/1 至 2018/7/31 2,600,000 主持人
4 提升私校研發能量專案計畫(整合型):低劑量三聚氰胺暴露與成人腎臟相關疾病之跨領域研究(1/3)( MOST 105-2632-B-037-002) 科技部 2016/8/1 至 2017/7/31 5,979,000 子計畫主持人
5 三聚氰胺暴露誘發之腎臟傷害機轉及其抗氧化天然藥物研究(TP-104A09) 高醫校級環境醫學研究中心計畫 2015/10/1 至 2016/9/30 1,000,000 主持人
6 TET蛋白家族在代謝記憶與糖尿病腎臟病變之角色探討(MOST 104-2314-B-037-067) 科技部 2015/8/1 至 2016/7/31 950,000 主持人
7 三聚氰胺暴露與腎臟傷害之轉譯醫學研究(MOST 104-2314-B-037 -012 -MY2) 科技部 2015/8/1 至 2017/7/31 2,600,000 共同主持人
8 油炸食物及食用油煙中的t,t-2,4-DDE誘發代謝異常及糖尿病合併症之相關性與機轉研究(KMU-TP103A21) 高醫校級環境醫學研究中心計畫 2014/8/1 至 2015/7/31 450,000 主持人
9 O位N-乙醯葡萄糖氨轉移酶與TET 蛋白家族的交互作用對代謝記憶之影響(KMU-TP103D07) 高醫校級脂質暨醣醫學研究中心計畫 2014/8/1 至 2015/7/31 750,000 主持人
10 胰島素阻抗及糖尿病研究平台(KMU-TP103D20) 高醫校級脂質暨醣醫學研究中心計畫 2014/8/1 至 2015/7/31 400,000 主持人
11 台灣老化男性之男性荷爾蒙低下症候群與新陳代謝症候群之關聯性研究: 探討性荷爾蒙結合球蛋白及其調節基因之基因多型性所扮演的角色(MOST 103-2314-B-037-066-MY2) 科技部 2014/8/1 至 2016/7/31 2,500,000 共同主持人
12 陰電性LDL經RBP4接受器造成胰島素阻抗性, 動脈和腎臟傷害(MOST 103-2314-B-037-022) 科技部 2014/8/1 至 2015/7/31 1,500,000 共同主持人
13 以高脂肪餵食小鼠模式探討非極性香椿葉萃取物對白色及類棕色脂肪細胞轉分化的作用與機轉(NSC 102-2314-B-037-017) 國科會 2013/8/1 至 2014/7/31 750,000 主持人
14 VLDL5在脂肪細胞和橫紋肌細胞經Retinol binding prtoein receptor 4 接受器訊息路徑誘發胰島素阻抗性(NSC 102-2628-B-037-005) 國科會 2013/8/1 至 2014/7/31 1,550,000 共同主持人
15 非極性香椿萃取物對白色脂肪細胞轉換為類棕色脂肪細胞的作用與機轉探討(NSC 101-2314-B-037-033) 國科會 2012/8/1 至 2013/7/31 1,100,000 主持人
16 Retinol-Binding Protein 對高葡萄糖誘發內皮細胞自然凋亡之影響(NSC 101-2314-B-037-034) 國科會 2012/8/1 至 2013/7/31 1,320,000 共同主持人
17 腎臟合成 angiotensinogen 和 atrial natriuretic peptide 的交互作用(NSC 100-2314-B-037-013-) 國科會 2011/8/1 至 2012/7/31 1,200,000 共同主持人
18 新型查耳酮衍生物對抗糖尿病與代謝調節異常新藥之開發(II) (NSC 99-2323-B-037-002) 國科會 2010/10/1 至 2011/7/31 1,478,800 共同主持人
19 新型查耳酮衍生物對抗糖尿病與代謝調節異常新藥之開發(I) (NSC 98-2323-B-037-004) 國科會 2009/10/1 至 2010/9/30 1,200,000 共同主持人
20 O-GlcNAc修飾蛋白質在人類脂肪細胞分化及脂質新生過程中之作用 (NSC 98-2314-B-037-011-MY3) 國科會 2009/8/1 至 2012/7/31 3,240,000 主持人
21 提昇私校研發能量專案計畫-糖尿病併發症之分子致病機轉及治療展望-子計畫三:O-GlcNAcylation 在糖尿病大血管病變的調控及角色(3/3) (NSC 96-2745-B-037-002-URD) 國科會 2007/8/1 至 2008/7/31 500,000 主持人
22 SUMO4基因在糖尿病腎病變之探討(NSC 96-2314-B-037-023-MY3) 國科會 2007/8/1 至 2010/7/31 3,600,000 共同主持人
23 發炎因子在主動脈平滑肌細胞的表現與分子調控機轉(97-CCH-KMU-031) 高醫彰基合作專題計畫 2008/1/1 至 2009/12/31 400,000 主持人
24 提昇私校研發能量專案計畫-糖尿病併發症之分子致病機轉及治療展望-子計畫三:O-GlcNAcylation 在糖尿病大血管病變的調控及角色(2/3) (NSC 95-2745-B-037-013-URD) 國科會 2006/8/1 至 2007/7/31 524,000 主持人
25 蛋白質O-GlcNAc修飾在糖尿病腎臟病變之研究(NSC 95-2314-B-037-094-MY3) 國科會 2006/8/1 至 2009/7/31 3,600,000 主持人
26 以動物模式探討新陳代謝症候群之adipokines基因表現 (QM094011) 高醫醫療研究基金 2006/8/1 至 2007/7/31 654,500 主持人
27 OGG1酵素在脂肪細胞胰島素抗阻性分子機轉的調控 (QM094009) 高醫醫療研究基金 2006/8/1 至 2008/7/31 2,227,000 共同主持人
28 血管內皮生長激素及肝生長激素對豬胰島細胞之影響(QM094006) 高醫醫療研究基金 2006/8/1 至 2007/7/31 1,250,000 共同主持人
29 Genetic Study of Adipokine in Metabolic Syndrome-Adipokine 對細胞傷害和保護的訊息傳遞(NSC 95-2314-B-037-040-MY3) 國科會 2006/8/1 至 2009/7/31 3,000,000 共同主持人
30 Genetic Study of Adipokine in Metabolic Syndrome-代謝性症候群及動脈硬化易感性基因的研究(NSC 95-2314-B-037-020-MY3) 國科會 2006/8/1 至 2009/7/31 2,400,000 共同主持人
31 新陳代謝症候群之Adipokines遺傳學研究-非酒精性脂肪肝及非酒精性脂肪性肝炎之人體基因研究(NSC 95-2314-B-037-039-MY3) 國科會 2006/8/1 至 2009/7/31 2,400,000 共同主持人
32 在高葡萄糖環境下近側腎小管細胞中ROS/ANP/KMCP1相互關係之探討(NSC 95-2314-B-037-095-) 國科會 2006/8/1 至 2007/7/31 1,370,000 共同主持人
33 比較Fenofibrate和Pioglitazone在高膽固醇飲食下調節肝臟膽固醇排出相關基因的表現(95CM-KMU-19) 奇美暨高醫學術合作計畫 2006/4/1 至 2007/3/31 共同主持人
34 提昇私校研發能量專案計畫-糖尿病併發症之分子致病機轉及治療展望-子計畫三:O-GlcNAcylation 在糖尿病大血管病變的調控及角色(1/3)(NSC 94-2745-B-037-013-URD) 國科會 2005/8/1 至 2006/7/31 500,000 主持人
35 O-GLcNAcylation及hexosamine biosynthetic pathway在糖尿病腎臟病變分子病理機轉中的角色(NSC 94-2314-B-037-032-) 國科會 2005/8/1 至 2006/7/31 608,000 主持人
36 利鈉胜太在近側腎小管細胞對high glucose/ ROS / NF-kappa B訊息傳遞路徑的影響(NSC 94-2314-B-037-059-) 國科會 2005/8/1 至 2006/7/31 1,058,000 共同主持人
序號 計劃名稱 委託機構 執行期限 金額 計劃內擔任之工作
1 南國小薊保健食品暨前期新藥開發(S102012) 洸鼎生物科技有限公司 2013/10/1 至 2015/3/31 850,000 主持人
2 植物精油萃取物對於改善脂肪細胞葡萄糖利用率及減少脂肪形成之效用評估(S102007) 肯度健康事業有限公司 2013/9/1 至 2014/2/28 200,000 主持人
3 香椿萃取物對於改善新陳代謝症候群 引起異常生化數值效用評估 保生國際生醫股份有限公司 2012/3/1 至 2013/7/31 300,000 主持人
4 碘攝取誘發甲狀腺素異常之小鼠臨床樣本收集與測試 工業技術研究院 2012/3/1 至 2012/9/30 100,000 主持人
5 薑萃取物活性測試 港香蘭應用生技股份有限公司 2008/12/1至 2010/5/31 330,000 共同主持人
6 土肉桂及香椿萃取物對於改善新陳代謝症候群之效用評估及機轉探討 金屬工業研究發展中心 2009/6/1 至 2009/11/31 800,000 共同主持人
7 土肉桂及香椿萃取物對於改善細胞胰島素抗阻性之效用評估 金屬工業研究發展中心 2008/9/1 至 2008/12/31 150,000 共同主持人
專 利:
  1. 用於治療糖尿病及新陳代謝的組合物及其製備方法(中華民國證書數號:TW I417088 B;共同第一發明人:比例30%)(已技術授權)
  2. 用於治療動脈粥狀硬化的組合物及其製備方法(中華民國證書數號:TW I415600 B;共同第一發明人比例25%) (美國案:申請日:08.09、申請號:US 13/570,963)
  3. 抗糖尿病及抗新陳代謝疾病之香椿超臨界萃取物、製備方法及用途 (中華民國證書數號:TW I492755 [獲證日:2015/07/21]; 共同第一發明人比例10%;已技術授權)(中華人民共和國證書數號:1567392;共同第一發明人:比例30%;已技術授權)
  4. 具生物活性之真菌組合物及其製備方法 (中華民國證書數號:TW I483730)
  5. Extract of Toona sinensis from supercritical fluid extraction for treating diabetes and metabolic diseases, the preparation method and the use there (US: 2011/ 0159127 A1; PCT: WO 2011/082148 A1; 共同第一發明人比例30% )
技術名稱 專利名稱 授權單位 被授權單位 簽約日期 國科會計畫編號
用於治療糖尿病及新陳代謝的組合物及其製備方法 用於治療糖尿病及新陳代謝的組合物及其製備方法 高雄醫學大學 合一生技股份有限公司 2012/10 NSC 98-2323-B-037-004; NSC 99-2323-B-037-002
抗糖尿病及抗新陳代謝疾病之香椿超臨界萃取物、製備方法及用途 抗糖尿病及抗新陳代謝疾病之香椿超臨界萃取物、製備方法及用途 高雄醫學大學 慧宇應用科技有限公司 2014/01 產學合作計畫
南國小薊肌膚保養品與降血糖產品開發 高雄醫學大學 洸鼎科技有限公司 2014/01 產學合作計畫
    1. Prakasham K, Gurrani S, Wu CF, Wu MT, Hsieh TJ, Peng CY, Huang PC, Krishnan A, Tsai PC, Lin YC, Tsai B, Lin YC, Ponnusamy VK. Rapid identification and monitoring of cooking oil fume-based toxic volatile organic aldehydes in lung tissue for predicting exposure level and cancer risks. Chemosphere. 2023 Oct;339:139704. doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2023.139704. PMID: 37536542
    2. Li SS, Chen JJ, Su MW, Lin CW, Chen CC, Wang YH, Liu CC, Tsai YC, Hsieh TJ, Wu MT, Wu CF. Sex-specific interactive effect of melamine and DEHP on a marker of early kidney damage in Taiwanese adults: A national population-based study from the Taiwan Biobank. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2023 Jul 4;263:115208. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2023.115208. PMID: 37413945
    3. Tsai YC, Wu CF, Hung WW, Yu PS, Liu CC, Hsieh TJ, Chen CC, Li SS, Chen JJ, Chiu YW, Hwang SJ, Wu MT. Environmental melamine exposure and adverse kidney outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Environ Pollut. 2023 Aug 15;331(Pt 1):121883. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2023.121883. PMID: 37236580
    4. Chen CC, Wang YH, Wu CF, Hsieh CJ, Wang SL, Chen ML, Tsai HJ, Li SS, Liu CC, Tsai YC, Hsieh TJ, Wu MT. Benchmark dose in the presence of coexposure to melamine and diethylhexyl phthalate and urinary renal injury markers in pregnant women. Environ Res. 2022 Dec; 215(Pt 1):114187. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2022.114187. PMID: 36037918
    5. Wu MY, Liu CC, Lee SC, Kuo YH, Hsieh TJ*. N-Octyl Caffeamide, a caffeic acid amide derivative, prevents progression of diabetes and hepatic steatosis in high-fat diet induced obese mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2022 Aug 11;23(16):8948. doi: 10.3390/ijms23168948. PMID: 36012215 (SCI; IF: 5.6; Rank: 66/285 [23.2%] in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
    6. Liu CC, Wu CF, Lee YC, Huang TY, Huang ST, Wang HS, Jhan JH, Huang SP, Li CC, Juan YS, Hsieh TJ, Tsai YC, Chen CC, Wu MT. Genetic polymorphisms of MnSOD modify the impacts of environmental melamine on oxidative stress and early kidney injury in calcium urolithiasis patients. Antioxidants (Basel). 2022 Jan 13;11(1):152. doi: 10.3390/antiox11010152. PMID: 35052656
    7. Wu MT#, Wu CF#, Liu CC, Tsai YC, Chen CC, Wang YH, Hsieh TJ*. Melamine and oxalate coexposure induces early kidney tubular injury through mitochondrial aberrations and oxidative stress. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2021 Dec 1;225:112756. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2021.112756. PMID: 34507040 (SCI; IF: 7.129; Rank: 6/100 [6.0%] in Toxicology)
    8. Wu CF, Liu CC, Tsai YC, Chen CC, Wu MT, Hsieh TJ*. Diminishment of Nrf2 antioxidative defense aggravates nephrotoxicity of melamine and oxalate coexposure. Antioxidants (Basel). 2021 Sep 14;10(9):1464. doi: 10.3390/antiox10091464.PMID: 34573096 (SCI; IF: 7.675; Rank: 12/144 [8.33%] in Food Science & Technology)
    9. Issaadi HM, Béni Z, Tóth T, Dékány M, Hsieh TJ, Balogh GT, Hunyadi A*. Diversity-oriented synthesis through gamma radiolysis: Preparation of unusual ecdysteroid derivatives activating Akt and AMPK in skeletal muscle cells. Bioorg Chem. 2021 Jul;112:104951. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2021.104951. PMID: 34000705 (SCI; IF: 5.275; Rank: 9/57 [15.78%] in Chemistry, Organic)
    10. Chen CC, Tsai YC, Wang YH, Wu CF, Chiu YW, Hwang SJ, Liu CC, Hsieh TJ, Wu MT*. Melamine exposure threshold in early chronic kidney disease patients – A benchmark dose approach. Environ Int. 2021 May 24;156:106652. doi: 10.1016/j.envint.2021.106652. PMID: 34034116 (SCI; IF: 13.352; Rank: 16/279 [5.73%] in Environmental Sciences)
    11. Liu CC, Huang SP, Hsieh TJ, Lee CH, Cheng KH, Huang TY, Geng JH, Li CC, Wu WJ, Lee. Fatty liver index is associated with the risk of testosterone deficiency in aging men without metabolic syndrome. Andrology. 2021 May;9(3):863-872. doi: 10.1111/andr.12979. PMID: 33484089 (SCI; IF: 3.842; Rank: 2/8 [25%] in Andrology)
    12. Wu TC, Peng CY*, Hsieh HM, Pan CH, Wu MT, Lin PC, Wu CF, Hsieh TJ. Reduction of aldehyde emission and attribution of environment burden in cooking fumes from food stalls using a novel fume collector. Environ Res. 2021 Apr;195:110815. doi: 10.1016/j.envres.2021.110815. PMID: 33524332 (SCI; IF: 6.498; Rank:16/203 [7.88%] in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
    13. Lin PC, Peng CY, Pan CH, Lee JY, Hsieh TJ, Chuang YS, Turesky RJ, Wu CF, Wu MT*. Risk of two common glandular cell-type cancers (breast and colorectal cancers) in Chinese occupational chefs: a nationwide ecological study in Taiwan. Int Arch Occup Environ Health. 2021 Aug;94(6):1363-1373. doi: 10.1007/s00420-021-01673-3. PMID: 33646334 (SCI; IF: 3.015; Rank: 86/203 [42.36%] in Public, Environmental & Occupational Health)
    14. Lee YC, Hsieh TJ, Tang FH, Jhan JH, Lin KL, Juan YS, Wang HS, Long Therapeutic effect of Low intensity Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (Li-ESWT) on diabetic bladder dysfunction in a rat model. Int J Med Sci. 2021 Jan 29;18(6):1423-1431. doi: 10.7150/ijms.55274. eCollection 2021. PMID: 33628099 (SCI; IF: 3.339; Rank: 44/167 [26.34%] in Medicine- General & Internal)
    15. Wang YH, Wu CF, Liu CC, Hsieh TJ, Tsai YC, Wu MT*, Chen CC*. A probabilistic approach for benchmark dose of melamine exposure for a marker of early renal dysfunction in patients with calcium urolithiasis. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2020 Sep 1; 200:110741. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoenv.2020.110741. PMID: 32497990 (SCI; IF: 4.872; Rank: 44/265 [16.60%] in Environmental Sciences)
    16. Liu CC#Hsieh TJ#, Wu CF, Lee CH, Tsai YC, Huang TY, Wen SC, Lee CH, Chien TM, Lee YC, Huang SP, Li CC, Chou YH, Wu WJ, Wu MT*. Interrelationship of environmental melamine exposure, biomarkers of oxidative stress and early kidney injury. J Hazard Mater. 2020 Apr 19; 396: 122726. doi: 10.1016/j.jhazmat.2020.122726. PMID: 32348942 (#Equally contributed to first author) (SCI; IF: 9.038; Rank: 8/264 [3.03%] in Environmental Sciences)
    17. Wu YJ, Huang CH, Hsieh TJ, Tseng WL, Lu CY. Identification of significant protein markers by mass spectrometry after cells co-treated with different drugs: an in vitro survey platform. Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom. 2020 Apr; 34 Suppl 1: e8582. doi: 10.1002/rcm.8582. PMID: 31498944 (SCI; IF: 2.200; Rank: 43/86 [50%] in Chemistry-Analytical)
    18. Tsai YC, Wu CF, Liu CC, Hsieh TJ, Lin YT, Chiu YW, Hwang SJ, Chen HC, Wu MT*. Urinary Melamine Levels and Progression of CKD. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2019 Aug 7; 14(8): 1133-1141. doi: 10.2215/CJN.01740219. PMID: 31337620 (SCI; IF: 6.243; Rank: 7/80 [8.75%] in Urology and Nephrology)
    19. Chen CW, Liao FY, Lin YC, Hsieh TJ, Weng JR, Feng CH*. Microwave-assisted derivatization combined with coacervative extraction for determining glutathione in biomatrix samples, followed by capillary liquid chromatography. Talanta. 2019; 199: 464-471. PMID: 30952285 (SCI; IF: 4.916; Rank: 11/84 [13.09%] in Chemistry-Analytical)
    20. Issaadi HM, Csábi J, Hsieh TJ, Gáti T, Tóth G, Hunyadi A*. Side-chain cleaved phytoecdysteroid metabolites as activators of protein kinase B. Bioorg Chem. 2019 Feb;82:405-413. doi: 10.1016/j.bioorg.2018.10.049. PubMed PMID: 30428419. (SCI; IF: 3.929; Rank: 12/57 [21.05%] in Chemistry-Organic)
    21. Liu CC, Lee YC, Huang SP, Cheng KH, Hsieh TJ, Huang TY, Lee CH, Geng JH, Li CC, Wu WJ*. Hepatocyte nuclear factor-4α P2 promoter variants are associated with the risk of metabolic syndrome and testosterone deficiency in aging Taiwanese men. J Sex Med. 2018 Nov;15(11):1527-1536. doi: 10.1016/j.jsxm.2018.09.012. PubMed PMID: 30415809. (SCI; IF: 3.339; Rank: 23/76 [30.26%] in Urology and Nephrology)
    22. Hsieh CT, Chang FR, Tsai YH, Wu YC, Hsieh TJ*. 2-Bromo-4′-methoxychalcone and 2-Iodo-4′-methoxychalcone Prevent Progression of Hyperglycemia and Obesity via 5′-Adenosine-Monophosphate-Activated Protein Kinase in Diet-Induced Obese Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2018 Sep 14;19(9). pii: E2763. doi: 10.3390/ijms19092763. (SCI; IF: 4.183; Rank: 78/298 [26.2%] in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
    23. Liu CC, Hsieh TJ, Wu CF, Tsai YC, Huang SP, Lee YC, Huang TY, Shen JT, Chou YH, Huang CN, Wu WJ, Wu MT*. Urinary melamine excretion and increased markers of renal tubular injury in patients with calcium urolithiasis: A cross-sectional study. Environ Pollut. 2017 Dec;231 (Pt):1284-1290. doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2017.08.091.
    24. Hsiao PJ, Chiou HC, Jiang HJ, Lee MY, Hsieh TJ, Kuo KK*. Pioglitazone Enhances Cytosolic Lipolysis, β-oxidation and Autophagy to Ameliorate Hepatic Steatosis. Sci Rep. 2017 Aug 22;7(1):9030. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09702-3. (SCI; IF: 4.259; Rank: 72/253 [28.45%] in Multidisciplinary Sciences)
    25. Liu CC, Huang SP, Cheng KH, Hsieh TJ, Huang CN, Wang CJ, Yeh HC, Tsai CC, Bao BY, Wu WJ, Lee YC*. Lower SHBG level is associated with higher leptin and lower adiponectin levels as well as metabolic syndrome, independent of testosterone. Sci Rep. 2017 Jun 2;7(1):2727. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03078-0. (SCI; IF: 4.259; Rank: 72/253 [28.45%] in Multidisciplinary Sciences)
    26. Wu CY, Hsieh TJ, Tseng WL, Keng CL, Lu CY*. A mass spectrometry-based strategy combined with bioinformatics: A simple preclinical model for profiling valproic-acid-induced major proteins and modifications in human liver cells. Process Biochemistry. 2017 Apr 20; 58:78-84. org/10.1016/j.procbio.2017.04.021 (SCI; IF: 2.497; Rank: 43/134 [32.08%] in Engineering- Chemical)
    27. Wei CK, Tsai YH, Korinek M, Hung PH, El-Shazly M, Cheng YB, Wu YC, Hsieh TJ*, Chang FR*. 6-Paradol and 6-Shogaol, the Pungent Compounds of Ginger, Promote Glucose Utilization in Adipocytes and Myotubes, and 6-Paradol Reduces Blood Glucose in High-Fat Diet-Fed Mice. Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Jan 17;18(1). pii: E168. doi: 10.3390/ijms18010168. (SCI; IF: 3.687; Rank: 90/292 [30.82%] in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
    28. Lu MY, Huang CI, Hsieh MY, Hsieh TJ, Hsi E, Tsai PC, Tsai YS, Lin CC, Hsieh MH, Liang PC, Lin YH, Hou NJ, Yeh ML, Huang CF, Lin ZY, Chen SC, Huang JF, Chuang WL, Dai CY, Yu ML*. Dynamics of PBMC gene expression in hepatitis C virus genotype 1-infected patients during combined peginterferon/ribavirin therapy. Oncotarget. 2016 Sep 20;7(38):61325-61335. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.11348. (SCI; IF: 5.168; Rank: 44/217 [20.27%) in Oncology)
    29. Wu CY, Hsieh TJ, Tseng WL, Keng CL, Lu CY*. Valproic acid analysis by mass spectrometry part I: enhanced determination of valproic acid by microwave assisted chemical labeling. RSC Adv. 2016 Jan; 6: 1925-1929. doi: 10.1039/c5ra25416g. (SCI; IF: 3.289; Rank: 49/163 [30.06%] in Chemistry- Multidisciplinary)
    30. Csábi J, Hsieh TJ, Hasanpour F, Martins A, Kele Z, Gáti T, Simon A, Tóth G, Hunyadi A*. Oxidized Metabolites of 20-Hydroxyecdysone and Their Activity on Skeletal Muscle Cells: Preparation of a Pair of Desmotropes with Opposite Bioactivities. J Nat Prod. 2015 Oct 23;78(10):2339-45. doi: 10.1021/acs.jnatprod.5b00249. (SCI; IF: 3.798; Rank: 23/204 [11.27%] in Plant Sciences)
    31. Wu CF, Peng CY, Liu CC, Lin WY, Pan CH, Cheng CM, Hsieh HM, Hsieh TJ, Chen BH, Wu MT*. Ambient Melamine Exposure and Urinary Biomarkers of Early Renal Injury. J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015 Jun 4; 26(11):2821-9. doi: 10.1681/ASN.2014121233. (SCI; IF: 9.343; Rank: 3/78 in Urology and Nephrology)
    32. Huang YS, Hsieh TJ, Lu CY*. Simple analytical strategy for MALDI-TOF-MS and nanoUPLC-MS/MS: Quantitating curcumin in food condiments and dietary supplements and screening of acrylamide-induced ROS protein indicators reduced by curcumin. Food Chem. 2015 May 1;174:571-6. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2014.11.115. (SCI; IF: 3.259; Rank: 10/123 [8.13%] in Food Science and Technology)
    33. Liu CC, Hsieh HM, Wu CF, Hsieh TJ, Huang SP, Chou YH, Huang CN, Wu WJ, Wu MT*. Long-Term Prescription of α-Blockers Decrease the Risk of Recurrent Urolithiasis Needed for Surgical Intervention-A Nationwide Population-Based Study. PLoS One. 2015 Apr 13;10(4):e0122494. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122494. eCollection 2015. (SCI; IF: 3.730; Rank: 7/56 in Multidisciplinary Sciences)
    34. Lai WC, Wu YC, Dankó B, Cheng YB, Hsieh TJ, Hsieh CT, Tsai YC, El-Shazly M, Martins A, Hohmann J, Hunyadi A, Chang FR*. Bioactive constituents of Cirsium japonicum var. australe. J Nat Prod. 2014 Jul 25; 77(7):1624-31. doi: 10.1021/np500233t. (SCI; IF: 3.947; Rank: 40/256 in Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
    35. Yang YH, Hsieh TJ, Tsai ML, Chen CH, Lin HT, Wu SJ*. Neuroprotective Effects of Hu-Yi-Neng, a Diet Supplement, on SH-SY5Y Human Neuroblastoma Cells. J Nutr Health Aging. 2014; 18(2):184-90. doi: 10.1007/s12603-013-0382-3. (SCI; IF: 2.659; Rank: 31/79 in Nutrition and Dietetics)
    36. Liou JR, Chuang LY, Yang YH, Wu TY, El-Shazly M, Wu SJ, Hsieh TJ, Wu YC, Wu JY, Chang FR*. Fast Quantification of S-adenosyl-L-methionine in Dietary Health Products Utilizing Reversed-Phase High-performance Liquid Chromatography: Teaching an Old Method New Tricks. Planta Med. 2014 Feb; 80(2-3):243-8. doi: 10.1055/s-0033-1360301. (SCI; IF: 2.339; Rank: 60/199 in Plant Sciences)
    37. Hunyadi A, Liktor-Busa E, Márki A, Martins A, Jedlinszki N, Hsieh TJ, Báthori M, Hohmann J, Zupkó I*. Metabolic effects of mulberry leaves: exploring potential benefits in type 2 diabetes and hyperuricemia. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2013; 2013:948627. doi: 10.1155/2013/948627. (SCI; IF: 2.175; Rank: 6/22 in Integrative & Complementary Medicine)
    38. Chung YM, Wei CK, Chuang DW, El-Shazly M, Hsieh CT, Asai T, Oshima Y, Hsieh TJ, Hwang TL, Wu YC, Chang FR*. An epigenetic modifier enhances the production of anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory sesquiterpenoids from Aspergillus sydowii. Bioorg Med Chem. 2013 Jul; 21(13):3866-72. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2013.04.004. (PMID:23647825) (SCI; IF: 2.903; Rank: 20/59 in Chemistry, Medicinal)
    39. Wu SJ, Hsieh TJ, Kuo MC, Tsai ML, Tsai KL, Chen CH, Yang YH*. Functional regulation of Alu element of human ACE gene in neuron cells. Neurobiol. 2013 Jul; 34(7):1921.e1-7. doi: 10.1016/j.neurobiolaging.2013.01.003. (PMID:23391425) (SCI; IF: 6.166; Rank: 28/251 in Neurosciences)
    40. Wu CF, Hsieh TJ, Chen BH, Liu CC, Wu MT*. A Crossover Study of Noodle Soup Consumption in Melamine Bowls and Total Melamine Excretion in Urine. JAMA Intern Med (Arch Intern Med). 2013 (Feb); 173(4):317-9. doi: 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.1569. (PMID: 23337907) (SCI; IF: 11.462; Rank: 7/155 in Medicine, General and Internal) (Research Letters)
    41. Hunyadi A*, Martins A, Hsieh TJ, Seres A, Zupkó I*. Chlorogenic Acid and Rutin Play a Major Role in the In Vivo Anti-Diabetic Activity of Morus alba Leaf Extract on Type II Diabetic Rats. PLOS. 2012 (Nov); 7(11):e50619. (PMID: 23185641) (SCI; IF: 3.730; Rank: 7/56 in Multidisciplinary Sciences)
    42. Lin YT, Tsai MT, Chen YL, Cheng CM, Hung CC, Wu CF, Liu CC, Hsieh TJ, Shiea J, Chen BH, Wu MT*. Can melamine levels in 1-spot overnight urine specimens predict the total previous 24-hour melamine excretion level in school children? Clin Chim Acta. 2013 May;420:128-33; doi:pii: S0009-8981(12)00491-3. 10.1016/j.cca.2012.10.024. (PMID: 23089071) (SCI; IF: 2.535; Rank: 6/32 in Medical Laboratory Technology)
    43. Hunyadi A*, Veres K, Kele Z, Weber E, Hetenyi A, Zupko I, Hsieh TJ*. In vitro anti-diabetic activity and chemical characterization of an apolar fraction of Morus alba leaf water extract. Phytotherapy Research. 2013 Jun;27(6):847-51; doi: 10.1002/ptr.4803. (PMID: 22899346) (SCI; IF: 2.086; Rank: 145/260 in Pharmacology and Pharmacy)
    44. Hsieh TJ, Hsieh PC, Tsai YH, Wu CF, Liu CC, Lin MY, Wu MT*. Melamine induces human renal proximal tubular cell Injury via transforming growth factor-beta and oxidative stress. Toxicol Sci. 2012 (Nov); 130(1):17-32. (PMID: 22915474) (SCI; IF: 4.328; Rank: 8/85 in Toxicology)
    45. Hsieh CT, Hsieh TJ, El-Shazly M, Chuang DW, Tsai YH, Yen CT, Wu SF, Wu YC, Chang FR*. Synthesis of chalcone derivatives as potential anti-diabetic agents. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2012 (Jun); 22(12):3912-3915. (PMID: 22608392) (SCI; IF: 2.338; Rank: 29/59 in Chemistry, Medicinal)
    46. Liu CC, Wu CF, Shiea J, Cho YT, Hsieh TJ, Chou YH, Chen BH, Huang SP, Wu WJ, Shen JT, Chang MY, Huang CH, Chang AW, Wu MT*. Detection of melamine in a human renal uric acid stone by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). Clin Chim Acta. 2012 (Apr); 413:1689-1698. (PMID: 22548855) (SCI; IF: 2.535; Rank: 6/32 in Medical Laboratory Technology)
    47. Wu TY, Yang IH, Tsai YT, Wang JY, Shiurba R, Hsieh TJ, Chang FR*, Chang WC*. Isodesacetyluvaricin, an Annonaceous Acetogenin, Specifically Inhibits Gene Expression of Cyclooxygenase-2. J Nat Prod. 2012 (Apr); 75(4):572-576. (PMID: 22449077) (SCI; IF: 3.128; Rank: 27/190 in Plant Sciences)
    48. Chen CH, Hsieh TJ, Lin KD, Lin HY, Lee MY, Hung WW, Hsiao PJ, Shin SJ*. Increased unbound retinol binding protein 4 concentration induced apoptosis through its receptor-mediated signaling. J Biol Chem. 2012 (Mar); 287(13):9694-9707. (PMID: 22308028) (SCI; IF: 4.651; Rank: 62/290 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology)
    49. Liu CS, Chang CC, Du YC, Chang FR, Wu YC, Chang WC, Hsieh TJ*. 2-hydroxy-4’-methoxychalcone inhibits proliferation and inflammation via peroxisome proliferator activated receptor gamma expression in human aortic smooth muscle cells. J Cardiovasc Pharm. 2012 (Apr); 59(4): 339-351. (PMID: 22157260) (SCI; IF: 2.383; Rank: 56/122 in Cardiac and Cardiovascular Systems)
    50. Hsieh TJ, Tsai YH, Liao MC, Du YC, Lien PJ, Sun CC, Chang FR*, Wu YC*. Anti-diabetic properties of non-polar Toona sinensis Roem extract prepared by supereritieal-CO2 fluid. Food Chem Toxicol. 2012 (Mar); 50(3-4):779-789. (PMID: 22222928) (SCI; IF: 3.010; Rank: 12/124 in Food Science and Technology)
    51. Hsieh TJ, Lin T, Hsieh PC, Liao MC, Shin SJ*. Suppression of glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase-1 inhibits adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. J Cell Physiol. 2012 (Jan); 227: 108-115. (PMID: 21374590) (SCI; IF: 4.218; Rank:13/79 in Physiology)
    52. Hsieh TJ, Hsieh PC, Wu MT, Chang WC, Hsiao PJ, Lin KD, Chou PC, Shin SJ*. Betel nut extract and arecoline block insulin signaling and lipid storage in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Cell Biol Toxicol. 2011 (Dec); 27(6): 397-411. (PMID: 21786209) (SCI; IF: 2.511; Rank: 35/83 in Toxicology)
    53. Wei JC, Yen JH, Juo SH, Chen WC, Wang YS, Chiu YC, Hsieh TJ, Guo YC, Huang CH, Wong RH, Wang HP, Tsai KL, Wu YC, Chang HW, Hsi E, Chang WP, Chang WC*. Association of ORAI1 Haplotypes with the Risk of HLA-B27 Positive Ankylosing Spondylitis. PLoS One. 2011;6(6):e20426. Epub 2011 Jun 1. (SCI; IF: 4.092; Rank: 12/84 in Biology) PMID: 21674042
    54. Chou YH, Woon PY, Huang WC, Shiurba R, Tsai YT, Wang YS, Hsieh TJ, Chang WC, Chuang HY, Chang WC*. Divalent lead cations induce cyclooxygenase-2 gene expression by epidermal growth factor receptor/nuclear factor-kappa B signaling in A431carcinoma cells. Toxicol Lett. 2011 (Jun); 203(2): 147-153. (SCI; IF: 3.581; Rank: 17/83 in Toxicology) PMID: 21435385 
    1. Chien CY, Wu CF, Liu CC, Chen BH, Huang SP, Chou YH, Chang AW, Lee HH, Pan CH, Wu WJ, Shen JT, Chang MY, Huang CH, Shiea J, Hsieh TJ, Wu MT*. High melamine migration in daily-use melamine-made tableware. J Hazardous Materials. 2011 (Apr); 188:350-356. (SCI; IF: 4.144; Rank: 1/106) PMID: 21345588   
    2. Hung WW#, Hsieh TJ#, Lin T, Chou PC, Hsiao PJ, Lin KD, Shin SJ*. Blockade of the renin-angiotensin system ameliorates apelin production in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. Cardiovasc Drug The. 2011 Feb; 25(1): 3-12. (#Equal contribution to first author) (SCI; IF: 3.098; Rank: 72/252 in Pharmacology and Pharmacy) PMID: 21161354  
    3. Lo CS, Chen CH, Hsieh TJ, Lin KD, Hsiao PJ, Shin SJ*. Local action of endogenous renal tubular atrial natriuretic peptide. J Cell Physiol. 2009 Jun; 219(3):776-86. (SCI; IF: 4.313; Rank: 8/74 in Physiology) PMID: 19229880
    4. Hsiao PJ#, Hsieh TJ#, Kuo KK, Hung WW, Tsai KB, Yang CH, Yu ML, and Shin SJ*. Pioglitazone retrieves hepatic antioxidant DNA repair in a mice model of high fat diet. BMC Mol Biol. 2008 Sep; 9:82-91. (#Equal contribution to first author) (SCI; IF: 3.371; Rank: 93/263 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) PMID: 18822121
    5. Lo CS, Chen ZH, Hsieh TJ, Shin SJ*. Atrial natriuretic peptide attenuates high glucose-activated transforming growth factor-beta, Smad and collagen synthesis in renal proximal tubular cells. J Cell Biochem. 2008 Apr; 103(6):1999-2009. (SCI; IF:3.381; Rank: 92/263 in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) PMID: 17960594   
    6. Hsieh TJ, Chen R, Zhang SL, Liu F, Brezniceanu ML, Whiteside CI, Fantus IG, Ingelfinger JR, Hamet P, Chan JS*. Up-regulation of osteopontin gene expression in diabetic rat proximal tubular cells revealed by microarray profiling. Kidney Int. 2006 Feb; 69(6):1005-1015. (SCI; IF: 4.927; Rank: 2/51 in Urology and Nephrology) PMID: 16528250
    7. Brezniceanu ML, Wei CC, Zhang SL, Hsieh TJ, Guo DF, He´bert MJ, Ingelfinger JR, Filep JG and Chan JS*. Transforming growth factor-beta 1 stimulates angiotensinogen gene expression in kidney proximal tubular cells. Kidney Int. 2006 Jun; 69(11):1977-1989. (SCI; IF: 4.927; Rank: 2/51 in Urology and Nephrology) PMID: 16598193
    8. Sachetelli S, Liu Q, Zhang SL, Liu F, Hsieh TJ, Brezniceanu MJ, Guo DF, Filep JF, Ingelfinger JR, Hamet P, and Chan JS*. RAS blockade decreases blood pressure and proteinuria in transgenic mice overexpressing rat angiotensinogen gene in the kidney. Kidney Int. 2006 Feb; 69(6):1016-1023. (SCI; IF: 4.927; Rank: 2/51 in Urology and Nephrology) PMID: 16528251    
    9. Hsieh TJ, Fustier P, Wei CC, Zhang SL, Filep JG, Tang SS, Ingelfinger JR, Hamet P, and Chan JS*. Reactive oxygen species blockade and insulin action on angiotensinogen gene expression in proximal tubular cells. J Endocrinol. 2004 Dec; 183(3):535-550. (SCI; IF: 3.059; Rank:31/89) PMID: 15590980
    10. Hsieh TJ, Fustier P, Zhang SL, Filep JG, Tang SS, Ingelfinger JR, Fantus IG, Hamet P, and Chan JS*. High glucose stimulates angiotensinogen gene expression and cell hypertrophy via activation of the hexosamine biosynthesis pathway in rat kidney proximal tubular cells. Endocrinology. 2003 Oct; 144(10): 4338-4349. (SCI; IF: 5.313; Rank:12/89) PMID: 12960040
    11. Hsieh TJ, Zhang SL, Filep JG, Tang SS, Ingelfinger JR, and Chan JS*. High glucose stimulates angiotensinogen gene expression via reactive oxygen species generation in rat kidney proximal tubular cells. Endocrinology. 2002 Aug; 143(8): 2975-2985. (SCI; IF: 5.313; Rank:12/89) PMID: 12130563
    12. Zhang SL, Chen X, Hsieh TJ, Leclerc M, Henley N, Allidina A, Halle JP, Brunette MG, Filep JG, Tang SS, Ingelfinger JR, and Chan JS*. Hyperglycemia induces insulin resistance on angiotenogen gene expression in diabetic rat kidney proximal tubular cells. J Endocrinol. 2002 Feb; 172(2): 333-44. (SCI; IF: 3.059; Rank:31/89) PMID: 11834451
    13. Hsieh TJ, Lin SR, Lee YJ, Shin SJ, Lai YH, Hsu CH, and Tsai JH*. Increased renal medullary endothelin-1 synthesis in prehypertensive DOCA-and salt-treated rats. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. 2000 Jul; 279(1): F112-21. PMID: 10894793
    14. Hsieh MC, Lin SR, Hsieh TJ, Hsu CH, Chen HC, Shin SJ, and Tsai JH*. Increased frequency of angiotensin-converting enzyme DD genotype in patients with type 2 diabetes in Taiwan. Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2000 Jul; 15(7): 1008-13. PMID: 10862639
    15. Lin SR*, Hsu CH, Tsai JH, Wang JY, Hsieh TJ, and Wu CH. Deceased GTPase activity of K-ras mutants deriving from human functional adrenocortical tumours. Br J Cancer. 2000 Mar;82(5):1035-40. PMID: 10737386
    16. Shin SJ, Wen JD, Chen I H, Lai FJ, Hsieh TJ, Tan MS, and Tsai JH*. Increased renal ANP synthesis, but decreased or unchanged cardiac ANP synthesis in water-deprived and salt-restricted rates. Kidney Int. 1998 Nov;54(5):1617-25. PMID: 9844138
    17. Hwang YS, Hsieh TJ, Lee YJ, and Tsai JH*. Circadian rhythm of urinary endothelin-1 excretion in mild hypertensive patients. Am J Hypertens. 1998 Nov; 11(11 Pt 1):1344-51. PMID: 9832178
    18. Shin SJ, Lee YJ, Tan MS, Hsieh TJ, and Tsai JH*. Increased atrial natruretic peptide mRNA expression in the kidney of diabetic rats. Kidney Int. 1997 Apr; 51(4): 1100-5. PMID: 9083275

    73. Lee YJ, Shin SJ, Tan MS, Hsieh TJ, and Tsai JH*. Increased renal atrial natriuretic peptide synthesis in rats with deoxycorticosterone acetate-salt treatment. Am J Physiol. 1996 Oct; 271(4Pt 2): F779-89. DOI: 10.1152/ajprenal.1996.271.4.F779  PMID: 8898007


  1. 康銘仁,謝翠娟,洪薇雯,蕭璧容,辛錫璋。低極性香椿葉萃取物經由抑制FSP27及PLIN1預防脂肪細胞內單房大油滴之形成。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2014, 3月)
  2. 洪佩萱,謝翠娟,陳珠,朱志生,柯良胤,賴文德,辛錫璋。陰電性低密度脂蛋白誘發脂肪細胞胰島素阻抗。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2014, 3月)
  3. J. Hsieh*, M.R. Kang, P.H. Hung, S.J. Shin. Toona sinensis leaf extract promotes the transformation of unilocular to multilocular lipid droplets in white adipocytes. 22nd World Diabetes Congress, 2013, Dec. (Held at Melbourne, Australia) (Poster Discussion)
  4. H. Tsai, T.J. Hsieh, M.C. Liao, P.J. Lien, C.C. Sun, F.R. Chang*, Y.C. Wu*. Anti-diabetic properties of non-polar Toona sinensis roem extracted by supercritical-CO2 fluid. 2012 International Congress on Natural Products Research, 2012, Jul. (Held at New York, USA) (Poster)
  5. T. Hsieh, T.J. Hsieh, Y.C. Wu*, F.R. Chang*. Synthesis and biological evaluation of chalcone derivatives as a novel class of anti-diabetic agents. 2012 International Congress on Natural Products Research, 2012, Jul. (Held at New York, USA) (Poster)
  6. 蘇芮敏,梁世欣,呂濟宇,謝翠娟*。Differential expression of O-linked-N-acetylglucosamine modified proteins in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes and adipocyte第27屆生物醫學聯合學術年會(2012, 3月)
  7. 謝翠娟,謝沛宸,廖敏淳,辛錫璋。Glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase-1 在3T3-L1脂肪細胞脂質新生之角色。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2011, 3月)
  8. 廖敏淳,謝翠娟,蔡逸宏,張芳榮,辛錫璋。非極性香椿萃取物在第二型糖尿病小鼠的抗血糖上升效果。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2011, 3月)
  9. 洪志荃,謝翠娟,蕭璧容,辛錫璋。OGG1與NEIL-1 在餵食高脂肪糖尿病小鼠脂肪組織的表現。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2011, 3月)
  10. J. Hsieh, T. Lin, P.C. Hsieh, S.J. Shin. Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway regulates adipogenic gene expressions during 3T3-L1 adipocyte differentiation. 20th World Diabetes Congress, 2009, Oct. (Held at Montreal, Canada) (Poster Discussion)
  11. 謝翠娟,謝沛宸,林芷,辛錫璋。HEXOSAMINE BIOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY調控人類腎臟近端腎小管細胞內FOXO1細胞凋亡活性。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2009, 3月)
  12. 謝翠娟,周芃君,辛錫璋。檳榔鹼Arecoline阻礙脂肪細胞胰島素訊號傳遞路徑。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2009, 3月)
  13. 洪薇雯,謝翠娟,周芃君,林昆德,蕭璧容,辛錫璋。脂肪細胞內腎素與血管張力素系統對脂肪細胞激素的調控。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2009, 3月)
  14. J. Hsieh, S.J. Hwang, T Lin, S.J. Shin. Hexosamine Biosynthetic Pathway Regulates the Pro-apoptotic Activity of FOXO1 in human renal proximal tubular cells. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2008. (Held at Philadelphia, USA)
  15. 周芃君,洪薇雯,謝翠娟,辛錫璋。 OGG1及NEIL1 DNA GLYCOSYLASE 在脂肪細胞分化過程中之表現。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2008, 3月)
  16. 林芷,周芃君,辛錫璋, 謝翠娟。HEXOSAMINE BIOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY 調控脂肪細胞ADIPOKINE基因之表達。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2008, 3月; oral presentation)
  17. 謝翠娟, 謝沛宸, 林芷,辛錫璋。高糖誘發人類腎臟近端腎小管細胞死亡經由HEXOSAMINE BIOSYNTHETIC PATHWAY。中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2008, 3月; oral presentation)
  18. High-glucose induces apoptosis in renal proximal tubular cells via hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and protein O-GlcNAc m T.J. Hsieh, J.M. Chang, J.S.D. Chan, J.R. Ingelfinger, S.J. Shin. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2007. (Held at San Francisco, USA)
  19. High glucose regulates gene expression of O-GlcNAc modification enzymes in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells. J. Hsieh, J.S.D. Chan, J.R. Ingelfinger, S.J. Shin. 2006. 中華民國內分泌暨糖尿病學會年會(2006, 3月; oral presentation)
  20. DNA Microarray Revealed Upregulation of Osteopontin mRNA in Diabetic Rat Renal Proximal Tubular Cells: Regulation by PKC-beta 1 and TGF-beta. J. Hsieh, R Chen, J.R. Ingelfinger, C.I. Whiteside, I.G. Fantus, and J.S.D. Chan. “The Science of Diabetes Complications:  Implications for Novel Therapy” International Symposium.  2004. (Held at Toronto, Canada). (Trainee Travel Award)  
  21. Osteopontin mRNA is differentially upregulated in diabetic rat renal proximal tubular cells: revealed by DNA chip microarray and regulated by PKC-b1 and TGF-b1. J. Hsieh, R Chen, J.R. Ingelfinger, C.I. Whiteside, I.G. Fantus, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at St. Louis, USA)
  22. Renin-Angiotensin system gene expression in spontaneously diabetic biobreeding rat renal proximal tubules. J. Hsieh, P. Fustier, Q. Liu, D.F. Guo, P. Hamet, J.S.D. Chan. CDA/CSEM professional conference and annual meetings, 2004 (Held at Quebec city, Canada)
  23. Angiotensinogen gene expression induced by TGF-b1 is mediated via reactive oxygen species generation and p53 tumor suppressor protein expression in rat kidney proximal tubular cells. M.L. Brezniceanu, J. Hsieh, S.L. Zhang, D.F. Guo, M.J. Hebert, J.R. Ingelfinger, J.G. Filep, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at St. Louis, USA)
  24. Roles of superoxide dismutase-1 and –2 on angiotensinogen gene expression and induction of cellular hypertrophy in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells in high glucose milieu. J.S.D. Chan, A. Desjardins, J. Hsieh, C.C. Wei, M.J. Hebert, D.F. Guo, J.G. Filep, and J.R. Ingelfinger. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at St. Louis, USA)
  25. Inhibitors of NADPH oxidase and renin-angiotensin system prevent reactive oxygen species generation, glutamine: fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase and angiotensinogen gene expression in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells in high glucose. J. Hsieh, I.G. Fantus, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, S. Carriere, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. CSN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at Toronto, Canada)
  26. Intrarenal angiotensinogen gene expression induced apoptosis in rat kidney proximal tubular cells is mediated via reactive oxygen species generation. S Sachetelli, J. Hsieh, Q. Liu, S.L. Zhang, M.J. Hebert, J.G. Filep, J.R. Ingelfinger, and J.S.D. Chan. CSN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at Toronto, Canada)
  27. TGF-b1 induced angiotensinogen gene expression is mediated via reactive oxygen species generation and p53 tumor suppressor protein expression in rat kidney proximal tubular cells in high glucose. M.L. Brezniceanu, J. Hsieh, S.L. Zhang, D.F. Guo, M.J. Hebert, J.R. Ingelfinger, J.G. Filep, and J.S.D. Chan. CSN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at Toronto, Canada)
  28. Roles of superoxide dismutase-1 and –2 on angiotensinogen gene expression and induction of cellular hypertrophy in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells in high glucose milieu. A. Desjardins, J. Hsieh, S. Sachetelli, C.C. Wei, M.J. Hebert, D.F. Guo, J.G. Filep, J.R. Ingelfinger, and J.S.D. Chan. CSN world congress of nephrology, 2004. (Held at Toronto, Canada)
  29. Antioxidants and inhibitors of hexosamine biosynthetic pathway prevent high glucose induction of insulin resistance on inhibition of angiotensinogen gene expression in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells. J. Hsieh, I.G. Fantus, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2003. (Held at San Diago, USA)
  30. Inhibitors of NADPH oxidase and renin-angiotensin system prevent reactive oxygen species generation, glutamine:fructose-6-phosphate amidotransferase and angiotensinogen gene expression in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells in high glucose. J.S.D. Chan, J. Hsieh, I.G. Fantus, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, S. Carriere, and P. Hamet. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2003. (Held at San Diago, USA)
  31. Antioxidants and inhibitors of hexosamine biosynthetic pathway prevent high glucose induction of insulin resistance on inhibition of angiotensinogen gene expression in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells. J. Hsieh, I.G. Fantus, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. CDA professional conference and annual meetings, 2003. (Held at Ottawa, Canada)
  32. Blockade of renin-angiotensin system and protein kinase C restores the inhibitory action of insulin on ANG gene expression in IRPTCs in high glucose. Fustier, T.J. Hsieh, Y.H. Chiang, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. CDA professional conference and annual meetings, 2003. (Held at Ottawa, Canada)
  33. High glucose stimulates ANG gene expression via reactive oxygen species generation and the activation of hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and p38MAPK in IRPTCs. J. Hsieh, S.L. Zhang, J.G. Filep, I.G. Fantus, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2002. (Held at Philadelphia, USA) J Am Soc Nephor 13:228A (Abstract)
  34. Blockade of renin-angiotensin system activation restores insulin sensitivity on ANG gene expression in IRPTCs in high glucose. J. Hsieh, P. Fustier, S.L. Zhang, P. Hamet, J.G. Filep, S. Carriere, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2002. (Held at Philadelphia, USA) ) J Am Soc Nephor 13:494A (Abstract)
  35. High glucose induces insulin resistance on angiotensinogen gene expression in rat renal proximal tubularcells: Defect in Ras and Raf-1 avtivation. S.L. Zhang, J. Hsieh, X. Chen, P. Hamet, J.G. Filep, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2002. (Held at Philadelphia, USA) ) J Am Soc Nephor 13:534A (Abstract)
  36. High glucose stimulates ANG gene expression in kidney proximal tubular cells via reactive oxygen species generation and p38 MAPK activation. J. Hsieh, S.L. Zhang, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. CSN annual meeting, 2002. (Held at Ottawa, Canada) (Oral presentation)
  37. Hydrogen peroxide stimulates p38 MAPK phosphorylation and angiotensinogen (ANG) gene expression in rat immortalized renal proximal tubular cells (IRPTCs). J. Hsieh, S.L. Zhang, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, P. Hamet, and J.S.D. Chan. ASN world congress of nephrology, 2001. (Held at San Francisco, USA)

Hydrogen peroxide stimulates the phosphorylation of p44/42 MAPK and inhibits the stimulatory effect of high glucose levels and phorbol ester (PMA) on ANG gene expression in kidney proximal tubular cells. T.J. Hsieh, S.L. Zhang, S.S. Tang, J.R. Ingelfinger, and J.S.D. Chan.  CSN annual meeting, 2001. (Held at Vancouver, Canada) (Oral presentation; Best trainee abstract award)



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