


  • 題目: Assessment of urinary thiodiglycolic acid exposure in school-aged children in the vicinity of a petrochemical complex in central Taiwan.
  • 作者:Huang, Po-Chin; Liu, Li-Hsuan; Shie, Ruei-Hao; Tsai, Chih-Hsin; Liang, Wei-Yen; Wang, Chih-Wen(附院 肝膽胰內科 王志文); Tsai, Cheng-Hsien; Chiang, Hung-Che; Chan, Chang-Chuan Environ Res. 2016 Oct;150:566-72. doi: 10.1016 / j.envres. 2015.11.027. Epub 2015 Dec 4.
  • 摘要:
    School-aged children living in the vicinity of vinyl chloride (VCM)/polyvinyl chloride (PVC) factories may have an increased risk of exposure to hazardous air pollutants.
    OBJECTIVES: We aimed to evaluate the urinary thiodiglycolic acid (TDGA) level, as TDGA is a major metabolite of VCM, for students at elementary schools near a petrochemical complex in central Taiwan.
    METHODS: We recruited 343 students from 5 elementary schools based on distance to the VCM/PVC factory. First-morning urine and blood samples were obtained from our subjects from October 2013 to September 2014. Urine samples were analyzed for urinary creatinine and TDGA using LC/MS-MS. Hepatitis virus infection were assessed using blood samples. We determined their vitamin consumption, resident location, parent’s employment, and other demographic or lifestyle characteristics using a questionnaire.
    RESULTS: Median urinary TDGA levels for 316 students at 5 elementary schools from the closest (<.9km) to the farthest (∼8.6km) with respect to the petrochemical complex were 147.6, 95.5, 115.5, 86.8, and 17.3μg/g creatinine, respectively. After adjusting for age, gender, hepatitis virus infection, vitamin B consumption, passive smoking, and home to source distance, we found that urinary TDGA levels for the closest students was significantly higher than those at other schools. Further, median urinary TDGA levels for students during school time were 4.1-fold higher than those during summer vacation.
    CONCLUSIONS: After adjusting for confounders, urinary TDGA levels for the school-aged children decreased with increasing distances between the elementary schools and the petrochemical complex.

  • 題目:A functional chitosan membrane with grafted epigallocatechin-3-gallate and lovastatin enhances periodontal tissue regeneration in dogs.
  • 作者:Lee, Bor-Shiunn; Lee, Chien-Chen; Lin, Hung-Pin; Shih, Wei-An; Hsieh, Wan-Ling; Lai, Chern-Hsiung(生物醫學暨環境生物學系 賴辰雄); Takeuchi, Yasuo; Chen, Yi-Wen. 2016 Oct 20;151:790-802. doi: 10.1016/j.carbpol.2016.06.026. Epub 2016 Jun
  • 摘要:
    Currently used guided tissue regeneration (GTR) membranes are mainly used as a barrier to prevent epithelial cells growth into defects before new bone formation. The aim of this study was to develop a tri-layer functional chitosan (CS) membrane with epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG) grafted on the outer layer for bactericidal activity, and lovastatin was included in the middle layer for controlled release. Successful EGCG grafting was demonstrated using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and EGCG grafting significantly enhanced adhesion and proliferation of human gingival fibroblasts. The release duration of lovastatin reached 21days. CS-Lovastatin1 produced the highest alkaline phosphatase activity and EGCG14-CS exhibited the best bactericidal activity against periodontopathic bacteria. Finally, the EGCG14-CS-Lovastatin1 membrane showed a higher percentage of bone regeneration than BioMend(®) and control groups in one-walled defects of beagle dogs. These results suggest that the EGCG14-CS-Lovastatin1 membrane has the potential to be used as a novel GTR membrane.

  • 題目:Accuracy of Wristband Activity Monitors during Ambulation and Activities.
  • 作者:Chen, Ming-De(職能治療學系 陳明德); Kuo, Chang-Chih(職能治療學系 郭昶志); Pellegrini, Christine A.; Hsu, Miao-Ju(物理治療學系 許妙如) Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2016 Oct;48(10):1942-9. doi: 10.1249/MSS.0000000000000984
  • 摘要:
    PURPOSE: The main purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy of wristband activity monitors on measuring step counts at prescribed speeds on a treadmill and under short bouts of common daily activities.
    METHODS: Thirty healthy young adults wore three wristband activity monitors on both wrists while walking or jogging on a treadmill at different speeds (54, 80, 107, and 134 m•min) and performing six different common daily activities for 5 min each. The monitors included the Fitbit Flex, the Garmin Vivofit, and the Jawbone UP. The common daily activity conditions included two sitting activities (playing a tablet computer game and folding laundry), two walking activities (pushing a stroller, carrying a bag), and two stair climbing activities (down and up). Absolute percentage error (APE) scores were computed to examine the accuracy between actual observed steps and monitor-detected steps.RESULTS: Under the treadmill condition, the APE ranged between 1.5% and 9.6%. Accuracy was improved at faster speeds (134 m•min) for all the monitors (APE < 2.5%). In the common daily activity conditions, substantial step counts were registered when folding laundry. All monitors significantly underestimated actual steps (all APE >33%) when pushing a stroller. Higher APE was observed when worn on the dominant wrist under the common daily activity conditions.

    CONCLUSIONS: The wristband activity monitors examined were more accurate for measuring step counts between 80 and 134 m•min as compared with a slower speed. Accuracy under each common daily activity condition ranged widely between monitors and activity, with less error when worn on the nondominant wrist. These results will help to inform researchers on the use and accuracy of wristband activity monitors for future studies.
