
2024/02/16 賀!本實驗室Dr. Ssudewi (from Indonesia) 之氧化鐵量子點相關paper: “Turn-off/turn-on biosensing of tetracycline and ciprofloxacin antibiotics using fluorescent iron oxide quantum dots“ 發表於 Analytical Methods (RSC) 期刊。本研究利用l-cysteine做為製作氧化鐵量子點之鈍化劑,並應用於檢測四環黴素與環丙沙星等抗生素。

2023/04/07 賀!本實驗室馬漢德博士之碳量子點相關paper: “Fluorescent Ink and Chemical Sensing Towards Tartrazine Based on Nitrogen-Doped Carbon Dots Derived from Durian Seed Waste“ 發表於 Waste and Biomass Valorization (Springer) 期刊。本研究利用榴槤籽作為碳的前驅物製作碳量子點,並應用於開發一有機染料檸檬黃(Tartrazine)之螢光感測器以及應用於螢光墨水之製作。

2022/12/09 賀!本實驗室Sandhiya同學 (from India)表面增強拉曼散射應用於食品中病原體檢測之paper “Vancomycin functionalization of gold nanostars for sensitive detection of foodborne pathogens through surface-enhanced Raman scattering“發表於Journal of Chinese Chemical Society 期刊,並被選為當期(volume 69, issue 12)之封面(front cover)。

2022/05/31 賀!本實驗室Ssudewi同學 (from Indonesia) 之氧化鐵量子點應用於乳製品中胺基酸檢測paper Enhanced fluorescent iron oxide quantum dots for rapid and interference free recognizing lysine in dairy products發表於Spectrochimica acta A 期刊。

2021/09/16 Online internship positions are open for those people who are interested in our group. With frequent online meetings plus online discussions with our group members, you can learn more about molecular spectroscopy, nanomaterial, catalysis, chemical sensing, and so on. Please feel free and send me an inquiry mail with a cover letter and Curriculum Vitae.

2021/09/14 黃俊嬴老師接受Frontiers in Chemistry- Analytical Chemistry (Frontiers) 期刊邀請,擔任該期刊之Reviewer Editor.

2021/06/11 賀!本實驗室馬漢德博士&高宇彤同學之水熱碳應用於有機染料廢水處理paper “Retrieve of Residual Waste of Carbon Dots Derived from Straw Mushroom as a Hydrochar for the Removal of Organic Dyes from Aqueous Solutions “發表於Sustainable Chemistry and Pharmacy期刊。本研究中水熱碳的前驅物為草菇,且本為製作碳量子點時所產生的廢棄物,故為一循環利用之永續材料。

2021/05/30 本實驗室黃俊嬴老師受Educare Taiwan邀請,擔任線上Webinar之主講,介紹近年來實驗室之研究方向以及研究成果。精華影片置於首頁下方,請有興趣的同學自行觀看。

2021/01/19 賀! 本實驗室馬漢德同學(Fajri Alchemis) 順利通過口試,成為本實驗室之第一位博士。


2020/12/25 黃俊嬴老師接受Biosensors (MDPI) 期刊邀請,擔任該期刊Reviewer Board之成員.


2020/12/08 黃俊嬴老師接受Atmosphere (MDPI) 期刊邀請,擔任該期刊之Topic Editor.

Atmosphere Editor

2020/11/27 賀!本實驗室發表於Chemosensors之paper : “Utilization of Carbon Dots Derived from Volvariella volvacea Mushroom for a Highly Sensitive Detection of Fe3+ and Pb2+ Ions in Aqueous Solutions” Highlight 於該期刊網站首頁


2020/10/01 黃俊嬴老師接受 Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (Frontiers)期刊邀請,擔任該期刊之Reviewer Editor.

Nanotechnology Edit

2020/8/28 黃俊嬴老師接受 Sensors (MDPI) 期刊邀請,擔任該期刊Reviewer Board之成員.

Sensors Editor

2020/5/29 賀!本實驗室博士班學生馬漢德同學碳量子點應用於檢測芳香類硝基化合物之paper 發表於New Journal of Chemistry期刊。

2016/12/15 賀!本實驗室專題生洪媺媃同學推甄錄取成功大學化學研究所暨榮獲大學生暑期研究成果報告績優獎勵。

2016/3/10 本實驗室簡介影片,請參考:

2015/3/12 本實驗室搬遷至第一教學大樓N1128,其餘聯絡方式不變,謝謝!

