分類彙整: 中英簡介
Organizational Structure
College of Dental Medicine
The College of Dental Medicine is the first institution providing dental education in Taiwan. We have launched an ongoing process to excel in dental and oral medicine education and to meet the highest international standards. We are continuing to implement institutional improvements and conducting interdisciplinary, interdepartmental research through our undergraduate and graduate programs, in order to promote academic exchange and train outstanding specialists in dental science, oral health promotion and policy, oral health care in general and special populations as well as preventive dentistry.
The College encompasses oral-related areas of specialization, including dentistry and oral hygiene. The teaching of School of Dentistry strives for mutual application of the fundamentals of sciences and clinical experience in order to assist students to integrate academic knowledge with clinical practice by entering the clinical environment at an early stage. Our dental research has laid the foundation for the training of future dentists and dental researchers. We foster high-level professionals with both capacities of research and clinical treatments, and expect them to improve dental service by transferring these research results into clinical practice. To conform with the country’s educational policies and concepts of lifelong study as well as in-service education, the Department of Oral Hygiene has undergraduate program, master program and continuing education master program. The main goal in the undergraduate program is to train a professional oral hygienist who has expertise in oral health education, clinical dental assistance, preventive dentistry, research critique, and global perspective. Our master program is the only graduate program in Taiwan that dedicates to multifaceted oral health professional knowledge and research, oral health problem-solving and improvement ability in special populations, as well as oral health promotion and policy application. The College aims at training future generations of oral health science professionals and researchers, cultivating our students’ valuing cooperation, and hoping to bring well-trained dentists, specialists, and dental hygienists work together to provide patients with comprehensive dental and oral hygiene care services and to enhance human oral health and improve the quality of life.
1. Training of Dental and Oral Hygiene Professional
We will train oral hygiene and treatment personnel to possess the most up-to-date dental and oral hygiene skills, who will also have the planning and management abilities necessary to improve the quality of oral health care.
2. Developing of Dental Cutting-edge Technology:
We continue to work in the fields of special expertise, particularly with respect to cutting-edge technologies. We are actively developing new resources, and new dental research technologies, and use dental technology to improve life science and human welfare.
3. Promoting of Localized Oral Hygiene
We continue to improve our course design and training programs, promote and develope localized oral hygiene, and strengthen the oral hygiene care system.
4. Strengthening International Academic Exchange
Moreover, we encourage and provide opportunities for staff to participate in short-term research or relevant courses at sister dental schools in the US, Japan and the leading institutions in some other countries. We also encourage students to take part in exchange programs or internships abroad. We are certain that international exchange in academic and practical areas will assist us in training professional oral health specialists with a global outlook. 34
1. Teaching and Research
The college of Dental Medicine encompasses 2 departments, 3 graduate programs, and two on-the-job programs, in which Dentistry provides undergraduate, master, and Ph.D. programs, and Oral Hygiene provides undergraduate, master, on-the-job undergraduate and master’s programs. For the international connection and application of dental materials and devices, three research centers were established, including 1) Global Center of Excellence for Oral Health Research and Development (GCEOHRD); 2) Dental Medical Devices and Materials Research Center (DMDMRC); 3) Oral and Maxillofacial Imaging Center (OMFIC). There are 36 full-time faculty members in the College. The focus of research activities in our principal investigators are summarized as 7 categories in the following:
- ) Betel Quid Chewing and Oral Cancer including the mechanisms in malignancy, transformation, invasion, and metastasis, and therapy strategy over the application of stem cell
- ) Osteo-immunology & Biotechnology for bone resorption, periodontitis, osteoporosis, and rheumatoid arthritis
- ) Microorganism in oral cavity and systemic disease
- ) Dental medical devices and materials research Stem Cell in Dental Pulp and Cancer Tissue and their application
- ) Oral and Maxillofacial Image and related application
- ) Dental Hygiene in Community and Epidemiological Investigation
In research cooperation, the full-time faculty members are conducting interdisciplinary, interdepartmental research through our undergraduate and graduate programs in promoting academic exchange and brain storming. In teaching block cascades and course design, the evaluation in learning effectiveness and cultivation of professional skill in dental training are settled down over the promotion in the teaching quality, learning strategy and website teaching.
2. Service and learning
- ) To embrace the spirit of medical ethics and human care as well as provide medical and international volunteer services in remote areas.
- ) To plan comprehensive medical oral care as well as promote oral disease prevention and treatment.
- ) To extend academic research to the community for the purpose of oral health promotion in order to enhance human oral health and improve the quality of life.
3. Internationalization
- ) To encourage to establish the international sister department and exchange the teachers and students to take part in exchange programs or internships abroad.
- ) To provide opportunities for staff to participate in short-term research or relevant courses at sister dental schools in the US, Japan and the leading institutions in some other countries.
4. Industry-University Cooperation
The goal is to develop the dental medical equipment industry, with the government industrial development policies to help traditional industries and high-value transformation, including its own brand of dental implant systems, LED, Laser equipment and clinical simulation guiding system.
一、 培養具備專業水準的牙醫師及口腔衛生照護人才:
二、 開發牙醫領域尖端科技:
三、 促進本土化疾病口腔衛生的保健:
四、 加強國際學術交流:
一、 教學研究
- 檳榔與口腔癌相關研究(口腔癌轉移機轉探討、幹細胞治療口腔癌及口腔癌前病變)
- 骨免疫與牙周病、骨質疏鬆症、風濕免疫症之成因與治療
- 口腔厭氧菌、口腔微生物與全身疾病之相關研究
- 齒科醫療器材產業之發展
- 牙科幹細胞的相關研究
- 動物模式口腔癌之產生及CT.PET影像分析應用
- 社區口腔衛生及流行病學研究。
二、 服務學習:
- 發揮醫學倫理及人文關懷精神,提供偏遠地區之醫療及國際志工服務。
- 規劃以全人專科醫療的口腔照護,推動口腔疾病預防與治療。
- 將學術研究成果,推廣至社區,以口腔健康促進為目標,增進民眾口腔健康及生活品質。
三、 國際化:
- 鼓勵推動長期國際性的學術交流與合作發展。
- 提供師生國際交流機會並鼓勵前往美國、日本及韓國等國家姐妹校做短期的研究或相關課程的進修。
四、 產學合作:
本校陳田植董事長熱心學術交流活動,於西元1995年捐贈一百萬美金成立「高醫-哈佛聯合基金」,鼓勵本校年輕教師、主治醫師及醫學系學生(醫五及後醫三)至哈佛醫學院或公衛學院研習。實施多年後,有鑒於此學術交流為單方向交流,遂於在西元2004年促成哈佛公衛學院之環境衛生學系碩、博士生於每年1~2月間前來本校修課,「Field Experience in International Occupational Health & Safety」,此課程獲哈佛公衛學院認可2.5學分,且至今仍持續辦理。更於西元2012年針對哈佛醫學生開設「感染疾病及頭頸部腫瘤」整合實習課程,獲哈佛醫學院認可4學分,2012、2013皆有2位哈佛醫學生前來選修。2009年開始,本校邀請哈佛大學醫學院腎臟科教師前來,針對醫學系三年級及學士後醫學系二年級學生,進行為期一週的「腎臟泌尿系統」協同教學,由哈佛教授授課,本校與哈佛二校教授一起帶領分組PBL教學,至今已連續4年,成為醫學院的課程特色之一,執行成果獲得師生廣大迴響。為表揚陳董事長辦學之用心,教育部亦曾頒發銀質獎章乙座。
Social Services
The mission of our university is to proceed with research, education and social services. In order to achieve the aim of “life-long learning and healthy life”, the Center for Extension Education and Social Resources integrates university and social resources and provides multiple courses for the public in the hopes of increasing international competitiveness and personal artistic appreciation. In addition, based on KMU’s traditional spirit of “attentive to the disadvantaged population”, the Center for Extension Education and Social Resources actively cooperates with other schools, government organizations and non-government organizations for advancing social services together.
Characteristics and achievements
In order to meet the needs of the coming aging society, the Center for Extension Education and Social Resources has undertaken a two-year “Learning University” program funded by the Ministry of Education for the older adults since 2011. KMU also holds Taiwan’s first “Learning Graduate Program” for providing the graduated older adults another venue of continued education. We have made the “Learning University” program a great success and were granted the honor for being one of the only two universities that were invited to share the experiences at the “Illustration of Learning University Program Meeting” hosted by the Ministry of Education. The enrolled Elderly students praise highly of the programs and it effectively promotes KMU’s image of “social care”.
The Center for Extension Education and Social Resources supplies multiple courses to the public to continue their life-long pursuit of learning which helps to increase personal professional skills, international perspectives, and artistic appreciation as well. With existing educational and human resources, we provide diversified channels dedicated to the pursuit of further education to aid the public and promote the competitive competence of our country. These courses (which encompass for-credit, non-credit courses, and on-the-job training authorized by various public or private institutes) not only focus on medical field but also on many health promoting courses designed for older adults. We utilize the e-learning pathway to help promote internationalization. In coordination of the Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan of Taiwan, we will also continue to offer training courses in medical field and provide services and support for related medical institutions.
Our previous outstanding achievements, owing to the good qualities of our education and specialized courses in health care, have led us to acquire the TTQS (ISO 10015) certification in 2008. Moreover, we won the bronze medal from “the Council of Labor Affairs Executive Yuan of Taiwan” for TTQS. We also earned several “first-rate” and “grade-A” awards from Kaohsiung city government for citizen-learning programs. Moreover, not only did we acquire two awards including the DIY Class and Excellent Class Outcomes from Kaohsiung city government but our health and leisure class was crowned “grade-A” award and “first-rate” award too.
學務處以「全面關懷、主動服務」的理念輔導學生,並以「4H」(Health, Humanity, Harmony, Hope)作為學務工作目標。為增進學生身心健康,結合學校與醫院的資源提供專業而完整的身心照護服務,如高醫學生門診,並有專業且經驗豐富的精神科醫師和諮商師提供心理諮商。
Excellent Teaching
The Office of Academic Affairs is responsible for carrying out the educational administrative affairs of KMU. It is comprised of the Division of Admissions &Student Recruitment, Division of Registration and Curriculum, Division of Graduate Academic Affairs, Division of Learning Enhancement, and Division of Teaching Development.
KMU seeks to enroll intelligent and motivated students of high character with diverse talents and backgrounds who can benefit from the school’s program, and whose talents and interests can contribute to the school as a whole. We are also developing cloud learning service platform and providing new and innovative online learning service for our students.
In 2011, the Division of Learning Enhancement and Division of Teaching Development was founded to bring the “outcome-based” learning and teaching into our educational programs, and established an online ”course and advisor evaluation system” for students to give feedback to the instructors about the courses.
For the past 8 years, KMU carried out the ‘Teaching and Learning Excellence Program” ,which was funded by the Taiwan Ministry of Education to encourage universities to encompass a more diversified curriculum to adequately collaborate with the rapid societal changes, and honored the” paragon university “in 2013.
The Center for Faculty Development and Teaching Resource (CFDTR) is established to promote university-wide faculty teaching and professional development across a broad spectrum of professional activities. The mission of CFDTR includes an annual teaching workshop to provide a forum for experts within and outside the university, along with the recognized outstanding teachers, to share teaching methods, teaching experiences, and insights with all other instructors. CFDTR also establishes a comprehensive management and evaluation mechanisms for those qualified teaching assistants by providing advance training courses and continuing education.
Teaching Development
CFDTR provide a wide range of ‘Peer Growth Group’ that support teaching professional achievement (i.e. teaching, research, and clinical approaches), skill building (e.g. innovative new teaching technology) and career planning and development. We also set-up five teaching dimensions to reach goals of peer groups: curriculum design, teaching methods, teaching materials, production and use of classroom management, teaching evaluation. We organize peer groups through a specific topic, the discussion of thinking of teachers from different areas of expertise, and enhance teachers the opportunity to learn from each other, in order to stimulate new thinking and enrich the career field.
For those who did not reach the required standard level on the teaching evaluation or faculty performance evaluation, meetings of support groups are set-up to discuss improvement strategies including organizing teaching and research in counseling groups, matching appropriate mentors, needs assessment of teaching or research etc. To assist in new or junior faculty members, the CFDTR holds orientation events to provide resources for faculty and arranges mentors to share their expertise and enrich their senior colleagues with their experiences. The CFDTR awards faculty who is recognized as excellent teaching accomplishments annually. Future aims of CFDTR are to establish (1) ‘The Indicator for Evaluation of Teacher’s Teaching Ability’, which will be the indicator for evaluating and selecting the excellent teaching teachers, and (2) ‘The Academy of Outstanding Teacher’ of the Kaohsiung Medical University to provide the heritage of teaching experience and guidance and help new faculty.
Teaching Resources
To enrich faculty development through a culture of collaboration, the study group program is designed to provide support and a context that allows faculty to share their expertise and enrich their experience with each other. In collaboration with a supportive group of equally committed colleagues, teachers are given the opportunity to extend their expertise in teaching and instructional technology.
CFDTR regularly holds training certification courses for teaching assistant and establish a school-based teaching assistant human resource base. Teachers can apply for teaching assistants, who can assist in teaching content/material updates, the classroom discussion, laboratory courses, PBL or after-school tutoring. Through those qualified teaching assistants, teachers can improve teaching quality and also provide student better learning environments.
The Development of the Clinical Skill Center
The establishment of the Clinical Skill center and Standard Patient (SP) Training programs enhance the teaching of clinical skill and improve learning efficiency. The center carries innovative technology and equipment. Through virtual simulation training, the students’ clinical skill can thereby be improved. To detect learning effectiveness of students’ clinical skills, KMU builds 24 OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) assessment classrooms, as well as configures a standardized electronic radio with recording equipment and the variety of software and hardware facilities. By the objective assessment of the OSCE and SP who plays patient roles with a variety of symptom, clinical personnel can foster their problem-solving ability, attitude, communication skills to enhance clinical skills, and the importance of the cooperation of the medical team.