分類彙整: 中英簡介







  1. 提升教師教學效能:為了提升教師教學及專業的成長,設立校級「教師發展暨教學資源中心」,負責提升教師教學品質。為強化教師教學知能,每年定期舉辦教學研討會,邀請國內外教育專家蒞校演講以促進校際教學新知交流。規劃各類教師成長系列活動(教學、研究及自我成長)激勵創新教學、教師培育課程及實作工作坊,透過能力分級的培育與認證來引導教師於教學效能上的成長。
  2. 教師專業成長社群:為促進教師們在教學、研究、服務上的互動交流與經驗分享,推動並補助教師籌組專業成長社群,希冀從五大教學能力面向建構社群目標:課程設計、教學方法、教材製作及運用、班級經營、教學評量等,透過特定主題籌組社群,讓老師們從不同專業領域的思維討論,增進教師間相互學習的機會,以激發新的思考、豐富職涯領域。
  3. 輔導及傳習制度:為落實輔導機制,針對教學評量或教師評估分數未達標準之教師,籌組教學及研究輔導小組,並為其媒合適合之輔導者,協助瞭解教師教學或研究方面的問題並擬定改善策略以尋求改進。為讓新進教師能及早適應校園環境,推動傳習制度,讓新進教師在資深教師的帶領下,能順利進行教學及研究相關工作,以達到經驗傳承之精神與目標。未來將藉由「教師教學能力評量指標」之推行,遴選出具有教學專長之優良教師,建置高醫傑出教師學院,傳承教學經驗並提攜新進。


  1. 數位教材製作:為鼓勵教師廣泛運用數位教材,亦建置「數位教材製作資源室」,除配備相關器材及數位軟體輔助製作,並有專人協助教師製作數位教材,提升教師數位技能及數位教學技巧,利用數位元學習模式進行教學。除鼓勵教師們自製數位教材,亦希望透過e-learning平臺的數位學習課程、建置開放式課程等達到資源共用,更讓學生有線上學習等多元學習管道,進而提升教學品質及成效。
  2. 教學助理制度:定期辦理教學助理的培訓認證,建立本校教學助理人力庫。教師可聘用教學助理,透過教學助理的協助,協助教材更新、小組討論、實驗帶領、PBL tutor、課業輔導或課餘回應學生問題等,使教師在教學上及學生學習都獲得改善與提升。透過教學助理的專業培訓與繼續教育,持續推行完善的教學助理管理考核機制。


為強化臨床技能教學及學習成效,建置臨床技能專業教室及標準化病人訓練教室,內設有先進之擬人化教具(Sim Family),透過模擬實務訓練,有助提升學生臨床技能之學習效果。此外為檢測學生臨床技能學習成效,本校更建置臨床技能中心,規劃24間OSCE(Objective Structured Clinical Examination, OSCE)考核教室,配置以標準化的電子收音與錄影設備,充實各種軟硬體設施,並申請為臨床技能國家考場。希望藉客觀式評量(OSCE),及標準化病人(Standardized Patient, SP)模擬扮演各種病患症狀,培育臨床人員應對問題解決能力、態度、與病人溝通技巧增進臨床技能,並重視醫療團隊合作。

Extensive Academic Research

The academic research of Kaohsiung Medical University (KMU) initially started from the studies of tropical medicine, Chinese herbal medicine, and venin-antivenin. For more than fifty-nine years, KMU has played a major role in providing various medical and public health services in southern Taiwan. Being as a leading medical center in southern Taiwan, KMU has many strong and highly-experienced research teams. KMU currently has twenty-one undergraduate programs and five independent graduate institutes. In addition to the research on individual, KMU integrates researchers from different fields of study to stimulate interdisciplinary research. In recent, there are several major interdisciplinary research teams has been formed, which include cancer, genomics and proteomics, immune system, neuroscience, sport medicine, nanotech and sustainable medicine, aging health care, stem cell, medical pharmacology, tropical medicine, environmental medicine, gender-based medicine, etc. The school is also very active in promoting the integration of basic and clinical research teams, in forwards to translational medicine research.

Various incentives have been established to encourage faculties to do research. These incentives setup a number of fundings including “Guidelines for Funding Faculty’s Project”, “Guidelines for Funding Newly-hired Faculty’s Projects”, “Guidelines for Funding Returned Faculty from Study Leave”, “Neophyte Researcher Project Pre-review System”, “Research Project Incentive Regulations”, “Incentive for Paper Publishing Regulations”, and “Guidelines for Funding Instructors Participating in International Conferences”. In March 2011, KMU signed a memorandum with Waseda University, in which both schools reached a concrete agreement on issues such as to establish research laboratories in the other’s institute, and to strengthen collaborations and exchanges upon researchers from both sides. The two schools agreed to start with the promotion and investment of the research topics that both are interested in: nanotech and health care, and sport science and health promotion. KMU and University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS, USA) has been allied as sister schools for more than 30 years. The form of collaboration had been focusing on personnel training and exchanges in the past. At this time, KMU and UAMS renewed the memorandum, in which both sides agreed to collaborate in dual-degree program, nanotech research, multiple myeloma or other cancer research, and to form a triangular research alliance for nanomedical related research with the National Center for Toxicological Research (USA). And to give more impetus to academic research, KMU is actively forming academic alliances and exchanges with institutes include Academia Sinica, National Health Research Institutes, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Harvard University (USA), National Cancer Institutes (USA), the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (USA), Fukuoka Institute of Health and Environmental Science (Japan), Chi-Mei Medical Center, Changhua Christian Hospital, and etc.

Industry Academia Cooperation

In order to follow government’s development policies and promote cooperation with the industries, with support from the Board, KMU started the Office for Operation of Industry and University in 2013. There are three business divisions, including Academia-Industry cooperation division, IPR Management division and incubation Center. Hopefully this platform can fully provide excellent service between university and company.

Office for Operation of Industry and University (CPIUC) was established on August 1st in 2008; it is responsible for integrating and promoting the business of industry-academia cooperation.

CPIUC combines all resources of several nearby industrial parks and strategic alliances to found a health-care industry platform which helps traditional industries and new enterprises to develop innovative technology and products. With rich research resources and professional technology, we can integrate research and development, clinical trials, technology licensing and commercialization in order to strengthen academic research and industrial innovation, and to lead the regional economic prosperity.

Integration of research resources

In order to efficiently utilize and integrate the high-end instruments in KMU, former President Yu set up Center for Research Resources and Development (CRRD) during his term. We follow the instructions from President Liu to ensure that all the resources are fully utilized. The instructions are Innovation, Knowledge and Mission. The missions of CRRD are stated as follows: (1) to integrate the resources of high-end instruments, management and maintenance for satisfying the demands of researchers; (2) to arrange training courses of instruments and techniques for students and researchers; (3) to develop research platforms for deepening the academic research at KMU; (4) to cooperate with outside research centers for novel research platforms or techniques; (5) to nurture the academic researchers.

We deeply hope that CRRD will be an excellent research center to give excellent support to academic research. Additionally, to deepen KMU’s academic research, we are developing metabolomics platform and interacting with other research centers for sharing instruments and techniques.

Characteristic Research and Development for Environmental Medicine

In 2007, KMU received a research grant from the Ministry of Education for the “Development of an International Outstanding University and Research Center”. In 2008, the Center for Excellence of Environmental Medicine (CEEM) was established as a first-class research center at KMU in order to promote interdisciplinary research in environmental medicine, strengthen teaching efficiency and research performance, and establish platforms for communication as well as cooperation between research groups at KMU and other universities. The main goals of CEEM are: 1) to establish a model at KMU for international cooperation in special R&D projects; 2) to explore the efficiency of collaborative projects, nurture world-class medical research personnel, and integrate research and industry; and 3) to encourage interdisciplinary research, improve the quality and quantity of research papers, and establish KMU as an outstanding and internationally-acclaimed university.










  1. 汲取國際研發運作經驗,建立跨校、跨國研究合作交流模式,以發展本校優異研究領域。
  2. 發揮整合型計劃之成效,培育國際級優秀醫學研究人才,並將研究成果與相關產業結合,創造經濟價值。
  3. 從事跨領域研究,提升論文質量、強化競爭力,並建立永續運作機制,使本校未來成為世界頂尖之環境醫學研究重鎮。



  1. 統整校內貴重儀器資源,統一管理與維護,以發揮儀器效能與滿足研究要求。
  2. 定期舉辦儀器訓練課程,以培育校內研究人才。
  3. 開發研究平台,厚植本校研究基礎。
  4. 與外校研究中心合作,引介優質研究方法與平台,提高本校研究能量。
  5. 培育與運接校院內外之研究人才。


Talents Nurturing

The Essential of Human Capital

Human resources are an important asset of the university. The talents are the most valuable resources and lifelines of the university’s development and progress as well as the key factor of the university’s long-term operation. A flexible and efficient application of human resources and talent development are critical and important tasks in the rapidly-changing and competitive educational industry due to the decreasing birth rate. In order to keep up with the high competitiveness and challenges of the new era and globalization, KMU links and combines the existing resources and bases effectively, in line with our shared values and future development objectives by carrying out an efficient talents and faculty education and training program actively. Moreover, KMU encourages each faculty to undertake domestic or abroad further education, training and seminar participation, and in so doing helps KMU to be more competitive by dedicating itself to long-term development and management of the human resources.

Enhancement of Training and Development

“Training and Development Program”(T & D Program) is one of the key methods for talent cultivation which has far-reaching influence on an organizational operation and development. Training and Development Program plays an important role in the development of individual’s ability, and further stimulates their potentials. The Training and Development programs are tailored based on each “talent’s individual needs and qualification” as well as KMU’s long-term development plan. The ultimate goals of the program are helping the university

  1. To create campus-wide shared values and culture
  2. To increase organizational learning ability
  3. To reinforce professional knowledge, work efficiency and service quality
  4. To create an organizational learning environment
  5. To drive professional, dynamic and creative HR services
  6. To foster managerial and administrative talent
  7. To strengthen professional ability and core competency

In addition to on-the-job training, KMU encourages faculty and staff to apply for further education (including degree taking at graduate schools), training and seminars participation and also sending faculty overseas to learn cutting-edge medical research, technology and skill. In 2011, there were 15 faculty members studying abroad such as Edinburgh University, MD Anderson Cancer Center and UC Davis etc. and 52 progressed to a masters degree and/or a PhD degree in local universities.

In face of the rapidly changing technological and intellectual currents as well as keen competition from striving for outstanding centers and excellent teaching universities, we firmly believe that constant improvement and learning are the only ways to keep ourselves in the lead.

KMU will further enhance a well-designed talent cultivation program, train and develop outstanding talents in the field of teaching, research, technology and management, in order to prepare for the future keen competition.







A Stronghold of Liberal Arts

Kaohsiung Medical University is geared towards training outstanding health professionals and places equal emphasis on sciences and liberal arts. The goal of our university is to develop a sense of medical ethics, artistic achievement, social concern, global perspectives, and a lifelong thirst for knowledge in our student. Our objective is the education of the whole person.

We are actively enhancing our liberal arts and medical humanities programs in order to achieve these goals. Our general education focuses on developing students’ core competences, which lay a solid foundation for “education of the whole person”. In addition, the university starts to enhance the dialogue among medical professions, technology and the humanities. The College of Arts and Social Sciences was established in August 2012 in the hope of educating health professionals in psychology, social works, and providing more liberal arts and social education to the students.

Apart from formal liberal arts courses, we also vigorously promote hidden curriculum and extension courses in order to boost learning. We create a campus permeated with liberal arts through holding various activities including lectures on the humanities, concerts, film festivals, art exhibits, on-campus public art, student art competitions, and the like. Many well-known international artists and groups have visited our school, includes violinist Cho-Liang Lin, the Vienna Boys Choir, the Cloud Gate Dance Group, and some famous film directors, to name a few. We want to stimulate students’ critical thinking by exposing students to a wide range of perspectives, soften reason with feeling, stimulate perceptiveness, and create campus-wide affinities with the arts, humanities, and culture.

We are continuing to striving towards an attractive, appealing campus. A coffee shop, a hanging garden, the Sports Dome, Schweitzer Boulevard, and the glass-tower library all serve to enrich the students’ academic life. These buildings and facilities have become the school’s major landmarks. Alumnus Dr. Chao Su-Fang donated several bronze sculptures to the university. One can engage in tranquil thought at any corner of the campus.

For half a century, the soothing south wind and swaying coconut palms and maple trees have accompanied the vigorous pursuit of study at Kaohsiung Medical University. We believe that we must teach students to be independent and competent individuals who can dedicate themselves to helping other people and contribute to the future society. We hope to cultivate health professionals who value ethics, are concerned about the society, heed their social responsibilities, possess an international outlook, are steeped in humanities, and are prepared to keep learning throughout their lives.










Kaohsiung Medical University was founded as ‘Kaohsiung Medical College’ in 1954 by former Kaohsiung Mayor Frank C. Chuan, who donated land for the college site, and the first Doctor of Medical Science, Dr. Tu, Tsung-Ming. The College is located in Kaohsiung, the urban heartland of southern Taiwan. It was the first private institution of its kind in Taiwan.
At its beginning the college had only one department, Medicine. Presently it has been transformed into a university and includes 6 colleges, 21 departments and 5 independent graduate institutes. The university offers undergraduate , postgraduate study and research programmes ; many courses are available as both full-time and part-time modes. This change came about through strong, insightful, and dedicated leadership.

Responding to teachers and students’needs in clinical teaching, research and internship, and developing advanced medical science research, the Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital was thus established in 1957 as a teaching hospital, as well as a medical center for citizen’s health. In 1998, Kaohsiung Medical University was entrusted by the Kaohsiung City Government to manage Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital, which combines medical treatment and concept of community health to develop as a regional teaching hospital. On the 6th of June in 2003, the opening of Frank C. Chen Memorial Building even set new milestone in Southern Taiwan as the hospital has the most advanced diagnostic equipment, along with the human-centered services. In addition, the respect for human life is another point that Kaohsiung Medical University emphasizes. On the 1st of January in 2010, Kaohsiung Medical University team greatly expanded its service territories as it officially took over the Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital. One year after Kaohsiung Municipal Ta-Tung Hospital upgraded to a regional teaching hospital and it was highly recognized as a holistic-health-care community hospital. Kaohsiung Medical University has 4 tasks-education, research, health care and services for over 6 decades, which helped it to earn reputation being a top medical center for education and medical science in Southern Taiwan. Nevertheless, university was also approved by the Ministry of Education through overall Excellence Awards of Medium-term Development Plan.

Mr. Frank C. Chen was the 1st (1954-1966) and 3rd (1972-1993) Chairman of the Board of Trustees. Mr. Shou Nan Hung was the 2nd Chairman (1966-1972). The incumbent chairman Mr. James D. Chen has been our Chairman since 1993.

Prof. Tu, Tsung-Ming the college’s first president (1954-66), together with his equally high-minded and hard-working colleagues established the Kaohsiung Medical College in line with his philosophy of “Joyfully embracing learning, and prioritizing research”. Kaohsiung Medical College soon became known as southern Taiwan’s major center of medical science. In June of 1957 the college hospital was founded. The outpatient department was located on Liu He Road, and the wards and operating rooms were located in the second and third original buildings.

The second president, Dr. Wei, Huo-Yao (1966-67), established solid systems for education, personnel, finance, and management. Kaohsiung Medical College was thereby able to maintain stable growth.

The third president, Dr. Yang, Chen-Chung (1967-73), established the Center for Tropical Medicine and a 3-year nursing program and also planned the construction of the college hospital. When the hospital was completed in 1970 it was named Kaohsiung Medical College Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital.

The fourth president, Dr. Hsieh, Sian Chen (1973-91), expanded the college from 4 departments to 12 departments including 6 master’s programs and 3 PhD programs. During his terms, the General Technology Building, the student dormitories, an alumni house, as well as the Li-Shue and the Chi-Shih Buildings were constructed. In order to enhance international academic exchanges, he also established an affiliation between Kaohsiung Medical College and the University of Arkansas in the United States. Dr. Hsieh also established his philosophy that embodies the ideals of “resolutely striving for progress, encouraging learning, and benefiting the world”. This has laid the foundation for the future development of Kaohsiung Medical University.

The fifth president, Dr. Tsai, Jue-Hsiung (1991-2000), was the first alumnus to become the university president. During his term, the Medical Research Building and Underground Parking Lot were constructed. Furthermore, the university began operating the Hsiao Kang Hospital for the city. He relentlessly sought the continuous growth of the university and transformed Kaohsiung Medical College into Kaohsiung Medical University, which nowadays consists of six colleges. Based on his concept of “searching for the myth of life”, he was committed to crossing the boundaries of medicine and expanding related fields of science through increasing medical services as well as interactions between the society and those medical services.

The sixth president, Dr. Wang, Gwo-Jaw (2000-2006), continued the development of Kaohsiung Medical University by preserving, reforming, and innovating in order to “reshape ourselves into a first-rate university of international repute that is based on an enduring foundation that combines the best of the old and new“. He constructed the First Teaching Building, the student dormitories, as well as the library.

The fourth and fifth president, Dr. Yu, Hsin-Su, seeks to maintain the tradition of dedication to medical service, to give care and support to the underprivileged, to provide students with opportunities to participate in NGOs and other international humanitarian relief organizations, and to accomplish whole-person education. Furthermore, through restructuring and monitoring systems, he has established a core management unit and a core laboratory to manage diverse biological information and human resource data, proposed specific but comprehensive strategies for “Teaching Excellence, Innovative Research, Quality Humanism, and Social Caring” in order to lead Kaohsiung Medical University towards becoming Taiwan’s foremost medical center. He also started the construction of the 2nd Teaching and Research Building which was completed in 2012.

The incumbent president ,Dr. Liu Jing Kuang ,(July, 2012 to present) continues pursuing the value of life, that is to “maintain the human values of life, dignity, health, and welfare”. He sets the goal for the medical education and health care to pursue excellence, to continue the KMU spirit of helping people and contributing to the society. He promotes I Love KMU, which encompasses Innovation, Legislation, Knowledge, Mission and Universality. Based on the core values “respect life, pursue truth”, we further cultivate interdisciplinary health professionals who are able to integrate learning, knowledge, research and application into their specialty. Under Dr. Liu’s leadership, it is hoped that KMU moves towards becoming a globally competitive top university.













現任劉景寬校長(任職期間2012-迄今),持續為本校定位注入生命價值的思維--「維護生命、尊嚴、健康、福祉之人類價值」,在醫學教育與醫療服務上追求卓越,傳承濟世救人的高醫精神;提出「我愛高醫(I Love KMU)」治校理念(Innovation創新研發、Legislation法紀制度、Knowledge知識傳承、Mission使命榮譽、Universality國際視野),以「尊重生命,追求真理」為核心價值,進一步深耕培養學用合一、研用合一之跨領域健康專業人才,期能帶領本校成為具國際競爭力之頂尖醫學大學。

南椰之風、杏林大道,Dr. Patrick Manson的理想、史懷哲的典範。高醫半世紀的成長茁壯,匯聚歷年來師生員工之智慧與貢獻;58年之悠遠傳承,成為高醫創新卓越、永續發展的基業磐石。

Sustainable Development

The founding of a university comes from ideals and efforts of many people. The evolution of a university is driven by the consolidated and strong will of more people. The development of a university must encompass the wisdom, talent and vision of the staff.

Kaohsiung Medical University (originally Kaohsiung Medical College) was established in 1954. It was the first private medical college as well as the first college founded on land donated by the private sector. It is a model for private education. Kaohsiung Medical University has played a distinguished role in medical history. It contributes primarily to the promotion of education and medicine in Southern Taiwan. It also inherited the legacy of Patrick Manson (born in Scotland in 1844), the father of Tropical Medicine, who had been devoted to medicine and education since his arrival in Kaohsiung, Taiwan in 1866.

The first three two-story grey buildings were built on a 107,000 m2 rice field. From its days of being surrounded by swaying rice fields and scattered cattle, with the continuous efforts by the staff and students, it has grown into a major research- and teaching-led university. Kaohsiung Medical University has provided a high-caliber education system with high-leveled professionalism and a wide range of the humanities. The mission of the University is to develop and promote the advancement of science; to undertake fundamental, strategic and applied research; to build up research on local subjects; to care for underprivileged groups; and to participate in local, regional, national and international medical services. In the undertaking of this significant mission of teaching, research and service, Kaohsiung Medical University has constantly expanded and fulfilled these duties.

Kaohsiung Medical University has been educating its medical professionals to meet the various social needs of its patients and ultimately improve the society as well. It has strengthened the local medical educational system and research, and therefore, promoted and improved the quality of medical service. It has become a major medical education center in Southern Taiwan as well as the educational hub of Kaohsiung-Pingtung Area. With the Kaohsiung Medical University’s over-fifty-year legacy, it will continue to widen access, open new frontiers, and strive towards even greater excellence. At Kaohsiung Medical University, people cheer for today’s achievements and strive for tomorrow’s ideals.