



  • 2014年 行政院科技部吳大猷先生紀念獎
  • 腫瘤骨轉移探討:
    肺癌細胞表達高量IL-8後提升ostoclast分化和活性提高造成蝕骨性骨轉移;而IL-8的提升源自於肺癌細胞的microRNA 33a表現受到抑制,使得PTHrP分子過度表現產生正向的回饋使腫瘤細胞表達過多的IL-8。另外,腫瘤細胞也會刺激osteoblast分泌BMP-2和CXCL5,造成腫瘤細胞轉移至肺和肝臟等。給予CXCL5中和性抗體可以有效的降低腫瘤的轉移。
  • 腫瘤免疫系統交互作用:
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  • 題目:
    Sustained hepatitis C virus clearance and increased hepatitis B surface antigen seroclearance in patients with dual chronic hepatitis C and B during posttreatment follow-up.
  • 作者:Yu ML1, Lee CM, Chen CL, Chuang WL, Lu SN, Liu CH, Wu SS, Liao LY, Kuo HT, Chao YC, Tung SY, Yang SS, Kao JH, Su WW, Lin CL, Yang HC, Chen PJ, Chen DS, Liu CJ; Taiwan Liver-Net Consortium. Hepatology. 2013 Jun;57(6):2135-42. doi: 10.1002/hep.26266. Epub 2013 Apr 26.
  • Patients dually infected with hepatitis C virus (HCV)/hepatitis B virus (HBV) have a higher risk of developing advanced liver disease or hepatocellular carcinoma compared with monoinfected patients. Yet, there is a similar rate of sustained virologic response (SVR) after peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin combination therapy in these patients compared with HCV-monoinfected patients and a high hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) seroclearance rate. The durability of hepatitis C and B clearance in coinfected patients was investigated in a 5-year follow-up study. Patients with active HCV genotype 1, both HBV-coinfected (n = 97) and HBV-monoinfected (n = 110), underwent 48-week combination therapy with peginterferon alfa-2a plus ribavirin. In patients with active HCV genotype 2 or 3, both HBV-coinfected (n = 64) and monoinfected (n = 50) patients underwent 24-week combination therapy. A total of 295 (91.9%) patients completed treatment and 24 weeks posttreatment follow-up; 264 (89.5%) patients agreed to receive additional follow-up for up to 5 years after the end of treatment. After a median follow-up of 4.6 ± 1.0 years, six of the 232 patients achieving SVR developed HCV RNA reappearance, including five HCV genotype 1/HBV-coinfected patients and one HCV genotype 2/3-monoinfected patient. Subgenomic analysis of the HCV core gene indicated that five patients developed delayed recurrence of HCV infection. Overall, the cumulative recurrence rate of HCV infection was 2.3% (0.4%/year; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.9%-5.5%). The cumulative HBsAg seroclearance rate was 30.0% (95% CI, 21.5%-42.0%); with 33.1% (95% CI, 21.8%-50.1%) in the 48-week combination therapy group and 24.3% (95% CI, 13.7%-42.9%) in the 24-week therapy group.
    Peginterferon alfa-2a and ribavirin therapy provides good HCV SVR durability and a high accumulative HBsAg seroclearance rate in patients who are coinfected with HCV and HBV. (HEPATOLOGY 2013;).

  • 題目:
    Management of gastric cancer in Asia: resource-stratified guidelines
  • 作者:Shen L1, Shan YS, Hu HM, Price TJ, Sirohi B, Yeh KH, Yang YH, Sano T, Yang HK, Zhang X, Park SR, Fujii M, Kang YK, Chen LT Lancet Oncol. 2013 Nov;14(12):e535-47. doi: 10.1016/S1470-2045(13)70436-4(藥學院 楊奕馨教授提供)
  • Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer globally, and is the second most common cause of death from cancer worldwide. About three-quarters of newly diagnosed cases in 2008 were from Asian countries. With a high mortality-to-incidence ratio, management of gastric cancer is challenging. We discuss evidence for optimum management of gastric cancer in aspects of screening and early detection, diagnosis, and staging; endoscopic and surgical intervention; and the concepts of perioperative, postoperative, and palliative chemotherapy and use of molecularly targeted therapy. Recommendations are formulated on the basis of the framework provided by the Breast Health Global Initiative, using the categories of basic, limited, enhanced, and maximum level. We aim to provide a stepwise strategy for management of gastric cancer applicable to different levels of health-care resources in Asian countries.
    Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
    Comment in
    Evidence-based methods to address disparities in global cancer control: the development of guidelines in Asia. [Lancet Oncol. 2013] 身為一個大學教師,隨時注意自己的研究表現,常常是一股無法忽視的巨大的壓力,雖然有人說國際期刊的影響指數(IF, impact factor)並不代表研究的全部,而且「好」的研究或是「重要」的研究也可以有不同方式的定義,然而現實層面每篇發表文章的impact factor多少,多半還是第一個被問的問題。
    自己因為一篇Lancet Oncology的文章,成為全校去年度IF最高的作者時,心中不無惶恐,第一時間急著要跟別人澄清,這是篇invited review paper,而我只是有幸被國家衛生研究院癌症研究所陳立宗所長邀請參與撰寫團隊而已;回想起來總覺得自己幸運多於努力,同時也很慶幸自己幾年來累積的研究經驗,也算是不負所托完成使命。
    這篇受邀撰寫的文獻回顧,主要的任務是希望彙整亞洲地區胃癌患者治療的共識,並且所歸納的結論與治療建議,需要考慮到不同地區醫療資源的問題;胃癌是全世界第四大常見的癌症,依據WHO在2008年的資料顯示,有四分之三的患者是在亞洲,其中除了日本與韓國在早期發現方面頗具成效,基本上大部分國家胃癌的死亡率對發生率比值(mortality-to-incidence ratio)多高達0.8,因此患者的治療策略是個國際間尤其是亞洲受到關注的問題,國際間雖已有發表一些胃癌治療策略的準則或共識,但是以亞洲地區為主的共識則尚未產生。陳立宗所長受到Lancet Oncology雜誌的邀請組成一個撰寫團隊,台灣的團隊還包括台大的葉坤輝教授、成大的沈延盛教授及高醫的胡晃鳴醫師,國外還邀請了澳洲、中國、印度、日本、韓國等國的胃癌腫瘤專家(oncologist);撰寫的準備工作主要是台灣的團隊負責,從彙整各國的胃癌治療準則及國際間已發表的共識或通則開始整理,先就治療的階段與種類訂出要整理的項目,主要是把文字的描述用表格項目的方式統整,所整理出的項目要能適用於各國的內容,接著台灣的團隊在細讀其他國家當地的胃癌治療準則後,加以歸納,期間來來回回與各國專家進行填表修改與討論,最後再由統整的項目依據醫療資源的程度做分類。
    看到自己的名字印在Lancet Oncology的文章中真的很感動、很開心,在整個文章撰寫期間無數次的討論及與撰寫團隊的信件往來,都是很有價值的經歷,自己歸納整理資料的專長能夠在團隊中發揮,著實有很大的成就感。
    由於我個人的專長是統計分析,這幾年來研究方向也多以臨床醫學藥學領域為主,用來研究的方法主要還是資料的彙整與分析,我的研究室不像一般印象中的實驗室,沒有昂貴儀器、也沒有瓶瓶罐罐,除了電腦外還是電腦,是俗稱的「dry lab」。雖然在統計及資料分析的過程中,同樣有萃取、有分析分離、也需要驗證確認,工序步驟一樣都不能少,過程中也是需要一定的專業與經驗,然而在現實層面是不太會讓人印象深刻,更別說會聯想到 high impact factor 論文產出。是對自己是期許也好、是不服氣也好,做dry lab研究難道與high IF無緣嗎?如果對自己有一絲絲自豪或是期許,那就是研究領域不該會有主流或非主流,只要夠用心,沒有不可能的事!
