分類彙整: 未分類



  1. 追求卓越,成為最高品質的全人照護社區醫院
  2. 以服務、教學、研究為本院宗旨
  3. 創造優質醫療、健康社區
  4. 以三安五心為全院員工之理念



  1. 高雄市第一間婦女健康醫療中心:配合市府婦女友善政策,規劃整合門診、檢查與病房的婦女專屬友善就醫空間-婦女健康醫療中心,提升婦女朋友就醫舒適、安全與私密性。
  2. 高雄市第一間高齡友善醫院:任務明確、定位清楚,設立長壽整合門診,提供長者診療服務,堪稱全台特色,獲頒國民健康局高齡友善醫院。
  3. 南臺灣首台高階儀器:導入最新儀器設備,購置多項高階影像醫療設備,提升醫療診斷品質,提供社區民眾醫療中心級的醫療服務。如640切電腦斷層掃描、6D亞瑟刀直線加速器等。
  4. 堅強微創手術團隊:由胃腸及一般外科、泌尿科、骨科與婦產科共同組成功能性、任務性微創手術團隊,病患能以最輕的疼痛、最小的傷口、最少的出血量、最短的住院日及最快速的恢復期來完成疾病治療。


1. 強化醫院營運能量

2. 深化社區醫療照護

3. 聚焦特色醫療

4. 提升研究能量



Kaohsiung Municipal Hsiao-Kang Hospital


The purposes of Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital are providing holistic health care services, clinical education and medical technology research and expect to be the highest quality holistic care and occupational medical specialty hospital. The core values of Kaohsiung Municipal Siaogang Hospital are followings:

  1. Cooperation: By the team collaborative mode of medical and administration, which integrate and manage team resources to provide patients the most appropriate care.
  2. Accountability: Provide a friendly medical environment and community health building and assume responsibility for patients and employees.
  3. Reverence: Emphasize on patient safety, medical ethics, patient rights and private, also respect the value of life.
  4. Effectiveness: Improve the medical care and service performance quality, also enhance administrative efficiency and information integration.


  1. Community Medicine: Integrate community resources and collaborate with local schools, enterprises and community development associations to promote health activities.
  2. Tropical Medicine: As an evacuation responsible hospital for Center for Disease Control to Kaohsiung airport and harbor. Provide consulting services of tourism infection and infection prevention vaccination.
  3. Acute and Critical Medicine: Provide timely and appropriate emergency medical services to public within moderate score emergency medical capabilities assessment.
  4. Environmental and Occupational Medicine: Enhance the prevention and treatment of environmental and occupational injuries, co-operating with on government policy to strengthen general knowledge of occupational health.


  1. Healthcare Quality and Efficiency: By international and nationwide quality indicators such as Taiwan Quality Indicator Project (TQIP) and Taiwan Healthcare Indicator Series (THIS) to improve service quality, also combine 40 quality-related committees to monitor the quality control of medical service. Accord to patient safety policy by the Health Bureau, not only to promote patient safety work but also create a safe environment.
  2. Friendly Medical Environment: We have organized women-friendly hospital demonstration to observe with Department of Health of Kaohsiung City Government and received age-friendly hospital accreditation by National Health Department and Barrier-free environment-friendly selection of Kaohsiung City. Besides we earned the premium of friendly building selection by Ministry of the Interior, friendly workplace and best breastfeeding rooms of Kaohsiung City.
  3. Health Promotion: To promote health important, we set up a fitness center for employee and community health classroom for hypertension patients. Also has held annual sport competition, diet activities and organized different activity clubs to encourage employees to regard health, we received the “Health Navigator Award of the Outstanding healthy workplace” from National Health Administration.
  4. Teaching and Research: We passed the Evaluation. In order to reform the Accreditation, we designated to draw up and execute the hospital-wide programs of teacher training.
  5. International Medical Services: To play the role of medical diplomacy, we have actively assisted international medical-related service including international medical aid, international donors supplies, cross-strait exchanges, global and China medical personnel observing and training.
  6. Future Prospects: Based on the core values of cooperation, accountability, reverence, and effectiveness, we continue to strengthen the organization and management, enhance administrative and medical efficiency and expand health strategic alliance. We will provide community residents with high quality health care services and fulfill social responsibility. Expect Siaogang Hospital to become the highest quality holistic care and an Occupational Medical Specialty Hospital in future.





一、 團隊合作:藉由醫療、護理、醫事及行政之團隊合作模式,整合並管理團隊資源,以提供病患最合適貼切的優質醫療服務。

二、 承擔責任:對於病患的醫療照護、社區健康營造、友善醫療環境以及員工的關懷,皆能承擔應有的責任與使命。

三、 尊重生命:重視病人安全,規範醫學倫理,保護病患權利與隱私,尊重生命價值。

四、 提昇效能:提昇醫療照護品質及服務效能,並加強行政管理效率及院際間資訊整合。








榮獲多項品質競賽獎項,藉由國際化及全國性的品質指標來進行醫療服務的品質監測(THIS, TQIP),更籌組40個品質相關委員會來負責統籌規劃並監控全院品質管理活動,同時積極配合衛生署病人安全目標,推動各項病人安全工作,營造安全就醫環境。






Kaohsiung Medical University Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital


The hospital sets short, medium and long-term development program in accordance with its purpose, vision and goal. “Provide Holistic Care” strategy is to develop the excellence in specialties of medical treatment and enhance regional medical standards; “Cultivate outstanding talents” strategy is to develop the excellence in teaching and reward for research published with both quality and quantity; “To become the most trusted medical center to the public” strategy is to enhance patient’s safety, quality of medical treatment, improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. All actions both uphold medical ethics and fulfill the social responsibility.


  1. To meet the development of KMU medical system and continue taking the KMU medical system go-out strategy. University and hospital work together to promote the strategic alliance and priority to construct long-term care system agencies and six-term new medical building plan.
  2. Focus on investment and development of featured leading edge medical treatment, basing on the surgery medical specialties (such as Da Vinci Su Surgical System, the Renaissance System, etc.) and setting the interventional medical treatment of internal medicine as top priority.
  3. Featured medical treatment also includes the integration of various medical resources and patient’s medical treatment process and develops immediate, effective, convenient, high quality that is truly patient-centered medical treatment.
  4. Emergency and critical, transplant, cancer and other medical treatment on behalf of the role of medical center continue to strengthen and enhance on the existing basis.
  5. Strengthen the international medical service, let the hospital become the Southern most important International Medical Center, and proceed to assess the feasibility to enter mainland medical care market.


1. Service

1. ) Improve emergency, critical and difficult medical service network
The hospital is a medical center and responsible hospital for severe first aid, having acute stroke team, acute coronary syndrome team, ICU management committee and critical care medical center. It continues to serve the disabilities for 10 years and establishes the only dental medical service demonstration center with special needs affirmed by the Department of Health in central and southern and is the “Living donor liver removal and transplant surgery implemented hospital” approved by the Department of Health in 2011 and continues to develop liver and kidney living organs transplant surgery.

2. ) Develop diversified featured medical service
Continue participating in SNQ (Symbol of National Quality, representing Safety and Quality) and is rewarded every year. Total 19 groups including continued examination in Year 2012, and the “ New Vision for Blepharoptosis – the Innovative Frontalis – Orbicularis Oculi Muscle ( FOOM ) Flap Surgery” of Plastic Surgical care team is also rewarded the honor of Silver Prize of the National Biotechnology and Medical Care Quality Award, showing the quality and effectiveness of medical care has reached world-class standard.

3. ) Enhance the medical quality and create an organizational culture of patient’s safety
Continue promoting the various work plans of TRM Team, RCA Team, Patient’s Safety Group and Women-Friendly Group this year. Moreover, respond to the announcement of patient’s safety goal, “To strengthen the inpatient suicide prevention”, added by Medical Quality Improvement Council in academic year 2012, additionally set up the suicide prevention group to promote the implementation of various suicide prevention projects and in coordination with the Medical Quality Improvement Council to transact the medical institutions response activities on Patient’s Safety Week. The theme is I will “respond” to the patient’s safety, and there are 453 response persons in total and is awarded the “Benchmark Institutions on Patient’s Safety Week” by Medical Quality Improvement Council.

4. ) Actively cooperate with the National Hygiene and Medical Policy
Social service room actively transacts organ donation advocacy activities in January 2012 to June 2013 and in coordination with the Cancer Control Act. The hospital cancer resources station is honorably awarded the “Excellent Award” of result presentation of cancer resources single window in Year 2012 issued by the Bureau of Health Promotion, Department of Health, Taiwan.
The hospital is the leading hospital of poison and chemical disaster in Kaohsiung-Pingtung region, regularly holding annual joint exercises with responsible hospitals for nuclear, poison and chemical disaster and counseling other responsible hospitals to arrange the poison and chemical disaster education and training programs.
Conduct health promotion activities with whole hospital personnel and joyful together, including weight loss competition for health promotion, employee’s health promotion family day mountaineering activities, Wii Sport tennis match game, Karaoke singing competition, photography competition, essay competition of describing the KMU, and encourage colleagues to team up and participate in dragon boat racing. Bone Dragon Team wins the Second Place of institutions and schools group of International Dragon Boat Races in 2012. Actively participate in Smoke-Free, Age-Friendly and other hospital accreditations held by the Bureau of Health Promotion.

5. ) Participate in International Medical and Hygiene Service and Assistance Activities
The hospital participates in international medical, hygiene and assistance activities in fixed point, long-term and root way, and the excellent result is affirmed by Solomon Islands. The Governor, Sir Frank Kabui awards ”Cross of Solomon Islands” to President James D. Chen on Jun. 25, 2013.

2. Teaching

Jointly plan and implement the holistic care education programs by department of clinical education and training, clinical units, medical units and various departments of the university. All physicians, medical students, medical personnel and interns are required to participate in pre-service training and general medical continuing education, holistic care programs such as patient’s rights, medical ethics, medical laws and hospice care.

3. Research

As the benchmark type excellent clinical research center for the target, The hospital focuses on patient center and strengthens the link to translational medical research between genetic basis and pathogenic mechanism and upgrades the research to more refined and excellent to reach the international top position.





  1. 配合高醫醫療體系發展,持續採取高醫體系走出去的策略,校院合力推動策略聯盟,優先建構長期照護系統機構與六期新醫療大樓規劃。
  2. 重點投資發展特色尖端醫療,以外科系特色醫療(如達文西機器人、雷納生脊椎機械手臂等)及內科系的介入性醫療為優先考量。
  3. 特色醫療也包括整合各種醫療資源及病人就醫流程,發展出即時、有效、方便、高品質之真正以病人為中心之醫療。
  4. 急重症醫療、移植醫療及癌症醫療等代表醫學中心角色之醫療在現有基礎上繼續強化與提升。
  5. 強化國際醫療服務,讓附設中和紀念醫院成為南部最重要的國際醫療中心,並著手評估進軍大陸醫療照護市場之可行性。


一、 服務

1. 健全急重難症醫療服務網

2. 發展多元化特色醫療服務

3. 提升醫療品質與營造病人安全之組織文化

4. 積極配合國家衛生醫療政策

辦理健康促進全院同歡活動,包括健康促進減重競賽、員工健康促進家庭日登山活動、Wii Sport網球大賽、卡拉OK歌唱、攝影比賽、話我高醫徵文比賽,鼓勵同仁組隊參加划龍舟比賽,骨龍隊榮獲2012年國際龍舟邀請賽機關學校組亞軍,積極參加國民健康局舉辦之無菸醫院認證、高齡友善醫院認證等。

5. 參與國際醫療衛生服務暨援助活動
以「定點式、長期性、紮根」方式,參與國際醫療衛生暨援助活動,傑出的成果獲得索羅門群島肯定,總督卡布衣爵士於2013年6月25日來台頒授「索羅門十字勳章(Cross of Solomon Islands)」予陳田植董事長。

二、 教學

三、 研究

Center for General Education


Center for General Education, originated from the Common Course Program of the Office of Academic Affairs, was established in 1999 while Kaohsiung Medical College expanded into Kaohsiung Medical University. It is important to note that the curriculum is planned and designed following five key objectives: life ethics, humanities, social care, global perspectives, and life-time learning. The educational policies and strategies are constantly adjusted along with the rapidly changing society, developing knowledge, and the greater world outlook.


From the academic year 2013, we will thoroughly incorporate freshmen into KMU’s college education, with the president as the head of college, leading instructors and assistants of the college to build the ambiance of holistic education. We employ the learning activities of formal and informal courses, and complement them with high-level dormitory life, and at the same time expand the learning aspects of life, so that students can obtain the ability of caring for themselves and further it into caring for others. Students are expected to achieve empathy, and actualize this quality in their school life. We are looking forward to cultivating proficients who are equipped not only with the professional learning of medical education, but also the humanity concerns of liberal arts, fully practicing the core value of KMU.


Students in Kaohsiung Medical University are required to earn 28 credits in general education curriculum except for professional courses in their departments. The courses for Fundamental Education Curriculum are mandatory while the courses for Liberal Education Curriculum are optimal.

1. Fundamental Education Curriculum (known as Fundamental Required Courses) aims to enhance students’ basic skills, for example, students’ attainments in native culture and proficiency of foreign language and information skills. It means that both internationalization and localization are taken into consideration and that would lead to increase students’ future employment rate and international competitiveness.

  1. Among Fundamental Education Curriculum, the service-learning course is an academic arrangement which lasts an academic year and is made possible by our center combining many local medical and social welfare institutions and grassroots charities, which will be the sites for practical training for our students later. This course emphasizes doing and learning that help students objectively comprehend people’s mentality being cared for through practice to physically experience and observe the internship site more detachedly before they become a professional. Consequently, they know what they should reflect on the panel discussion in the future and realize the true meaning of service through practice, which enhance their inter-personal communicative skills and group collaboration, constructing truly internalized altruistic spirit and humanity essence.
  2. ) As for language learning, diverse activities and self-learning facilities, such as English Corner, English Clinic, Cultural Lectures, English Corner, and Self-learning Center are provided to strengthen students’ competence of language and cross-cultural communication.

2. Liberal Education Curriculum (known as Liberal Elective Course) emphasizes the refinement and continuity of curricular content. The curriculum is officially divided into Core, Advanced, and Auxiliary Course; moreover, seminars and act activities as the extended curriculum are held irregularly

  1. ) The Core Course aims to develop students’ core skills in holistic education and so an interdisciplinary curriculum is designed. Seven fields, including Citizenship, Globalization, Thinking and Inferring, Classic Civilization, Aesthetic Appreciation, Social, Technological and Science, and Natural Exploration are encompassed.
  2. ) Advanced Course is mainly projected by seven colleges in our university. So far as “Advanced” is concerned, we emphasize the integration of professionalism and general knowledge in order to develop general courses with college-specific characteristics. In view of medical concerns about life quality and personal dignity, each of the seven colleges is equipped with an advanced course related to life ethics, and the majority of departments list this course as a prerequisite.
  3. The Auxiliary Course combining specialization and general knowledge increases student’s competitive capability in career market and society. It offers a great opportunity for individual student to map out his/her career planning and realize, moreover, associate his/her studies with future career.

3. From the academic year 2013, we will thoroughly incorporate freshman into KMU’s college education, with the president as the head of college, leading instructors and assistants of the college to build the ambiance of holistic education. We employ the learning activities of formal and informal courses, and complement them with high-level dormitory life, and at the same time expand the learning aspects of life, so that students can obtain the ability of caring for themselves and further it into caring for others. Students are expected to achieve empathy, and actualize this quality in their school life. We are looking forward to cultivating proficients who are equipped not only with the professional learning of medical education, but also the humanity concerns of liberal arts, fully practicing the core value of KMU.

Education is a life-long process. The whole-person approach emphasized in general education needs to be multi-dimensional. Lifelong learning needs to grow with time. It’s our hope that these reformative curricula can drive more complete general education ideas in our university and help it to be a medical university that cares for life, serves society, and holds international perspectives as per the founding purpose of our university, accomplishing the ideal of holistic education.








一、 基礎必修課程,旨在提升學生本國語言文化的素養、外文與資訊化能力,以利全球化與在地化的接軌,及未來就業與國際的競爭力。

  1. 其中「服務學習課程」自2008年起擴大為全校性必修;該課程乃為加強學理的實際印證,貫徹實踐性課程的精神,並落實服務人群、關懷社會的教育理想。服務學習課程由本中心連結許多在地的醫療、社會服務機構、民間公益團體等,作為學生服務實習的場域,以一學年的時間從做中學,希望藉由「實踐」幫助學生在成為專業人員前,更能親身體會、同理被照護的對象,更客觀地觀察實習場域,以建立未來成為專業人後所需反思、檢討的機制;期在實踐中體認服務的真義,並提升人際互動、團體合作的技巧,建立真正內化的利他精神與人本內涵。
  2. 本校在語言教學上,亦規劃有英語自學教室,提供學生完善之英語學習資源,輔以英語學習角活動、文化講座、英語檢定測驗講座等各項活動,強化學生語言文化之能力。

二、 博雅選修課程,著重於提升課程內涵的精緻度與銜接性,將正式課程分為「核心課程」、「深化課程」、「輔助課程」三大類,並輔以不定期舉辦的課程講座及藝文講座等,作為延伸課程。

  1. 「核心課程」依不同的教育目標與課程內容,設計分析作為現代化「全人」所需的基本能力,以能力範疇做領域區隔的基礎,開發了公民素養、全球在地、思考推理、經典文化、審美鑑賞、科技、醫療與社會、自然探索七大領域,在同一領域中匯集不同專業背景的學者共同思考、研發多元向度的整合型通識課程。
  2. 「深化課程」係以各學院為開課單位。本校所謂的「深化」,係以強化兼顧學院特色與通識四大教育目標「人文關懷」、「創新思辨」、「自主學習」及「宏觀視野」的通識課程,是人文素養融入專業的深化,不同於其他大學以高年級或知識進階作為深化的設計。
  3. 「輔助課程」係強調學習與社會實踐結合,培養學生問題解決及行動抉擇及對職場社會了解之知能,有助增強學生的社會競爭力與職場接軌能力,為全校性選修課程。


College of Humanities and Social Sciences


  1. To take human’s health and welfare as the aims of the college, to give impetus to the education of the humanities and social sciences, as well as to center on the research relevant to medical humanities, healthy society, and medical psychology.
  2. To educate people who participate in the healthcare and medical industry, to familiarize students with theory and practice, and develop their interdisciplinary vision in Psychology, Applied Sociology and Social Work.
  3. To be a leading healthcare and medical professional research institute.
  4. To be a planner, advocator and executants who cultivate students’ humanities

The College is different from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in the other comprehensive universities in the sense of the human-healthcare-oriented research and the teaching-based development. Also, it promotes the humanities and society education, and puts an emphasis on the research into medical humanities, medical ethics, medical anthropology, health society and medical psychology. KMU students majoring in the Department of Public Health are expected not only to develop the knowledge of health and medical treatments, but also to appreciate the spirit of the humanities. KMU graduates are likely to have more knowledge and experiences related to health and medical treatments than others from other universities. Our postgraduate program emphasizes the human and social issues about health and medical treatments.


  1. The undergraduate study of the College centers on both theory and practice, not only in its majors but also the interdisciplinary fields; the postgraduate study aims at educating professionals that are needed by Healthcare and Medical Industry related to Psychology, Applied Sociology and Social Work.
  2. To foster the already established teaching, research and service of psychology, applied sociology and social work in the healthcare and medical field.
  3. To help students cultivate the humanistic values of students belonging to the healthcare and medical field; this includes the design of courses, the allocations of teachers, the enhancement of teaching approaches, the plan of experienced learning and the like.
  4. The Center for Language and Culture as well as the Center for Humanities and Arts Education are responsible for the English and Chinese education of KMU students, enhancing their literary, historical, philosophical, and art knowledge.
  5. The Center for Physical Education cooperates with the College of Humanities and Social Sciences to cultivate students, including holding competitions to improve students’ physical figure and nurture their exercise habit. It also helps to foster students’ teamwork skills and cooperative spirit.
  6. The Center for Fundamental Science Education places an emphasis on math, physics and information sciences, and their relevant applications. It also aims to collaborate with colleagues in other leading international organizations.


  1. To continue cooperating with international academies not only in pedagogy but also in practice, by providing the opportunities of the international internship for students.
  2. To guide students with professional knowledge with awareness of the needs and peculiarities of the service receivers in order to offer services on and outside the campus, as well as in caring for the local.
  3. To equip students with language skills in Mandarin Chinese and English by establishing and promoting language and culture self-learning system, and provide IT and culture knowledge.
  4. To emphasize on the development of physical fitness and the basic concepts of various sports, which in turn bring up students’ interests in recreational sports.
  5. To strengthen the environmental education of humanities and arts by holding diverse types of exhibitions and performances related to culture and arts as well as holding speeches and competitions relevant to humanities and society, grounded on the belief, “being close to arts and caring for life.”



  1. 人文社會科學院將以人類健康福祉為研究、教學之主軸,另外也將負責推動本校的人文社會教育,並著重於醫學人文、健康社會與醫療心理 學的研究。
  2. 培育健康與醫療產業所需、兼顧理論與實務、且有跨領域視野之心理學、社會學應用以及社會工作方面之人才。
  3. 成為健康與醫療領域中人文社會議題的研究重鎮。
  4. 成為培育高醫大學生人文與社會素養之主要規劃、推動與執行者。


  1. 人文社會科學院的大學部著重理論與實務兼顧、本科與跨領域並行;研究所則致力培育提供健康與醫療產業中,有關心理學、社會學應用以及社會工作所需之高級人才。
  2. 深化既有在健康與醫療領域之心理學、 社會學與社會工作之教學、研究與服務。
  3. 協助各學院推動學生人文社會素養之培育,包括課程之設計、教師之安排、教學方法之精進、經驗式學習之規劃等。
  4. 「語言與文化中心」及「人文與藝術教育中心」負責全校學生之中英文語文教育及承擔提振校內文、史、哲、藝術等文化風氣之重任。
  5. 體育教學中心配合全校人才培育目標,以競賽活動為載具,除培養學生健康之體魄、養成運動習慣外,亦可承擔培養學生團隊意識與合作精神之角色。
  6. 基礎科學教育中心以提升本校學生數學、物理學與資訊科學之素養與應用之能力為目標。


  1. 持續與國外學術單位合作,除在教師教學方式交流外,也建立教學實習合作機制,提供學生國際學習機會。
  2. 引導學生探查服務對象之需求與特性,進行校內、外各據點之服務,落實在地關懷。
  3.  厚植語文、資訊能力與文化素養,建置、推廣語言與文化自主學習系統,全方位提升本校學生中文、英文與資訊能力。
  4. 著重體適能發展及學習各種運動項目的基本概念,讓學生接觸各種運動項目後,培養自我休閒運動的興趣。


College of Life Sciences


  1. Transform research breakthroughs in molecular biology and medical science into biotechnological applications.
  2. Application to biomedical engineering from the combination of chemistry and biotechnology
  3. Education of talents with professional knowledge, critical thinking, innovation, interdisciplinary integration, and scientific literacy.


  1. In addition to encouraging interaction between faculty members and students in the college’s departments and graduate institutes (including informal interaction and joint research projects), we are vigorously promoting academic exchange with other universities and research organizations as well as greater industrial cooperation. We hope that the outstanding results of our research projects can be applied to help foster the development of our domestic biotech industry.
  2. We promote the integration of individual laboratories by creating new programs in pharmaceutical technology, biomedicine, and biotechnology. Undergraduate students can participate and obtain thorough training in their areas of interest, thereby ensuring a source of graduate students with great potential.
  3. The Department of Biotechnology will focus on genetic information, protein engineering, and molecular pharmacology during its initial phase. The department plans to educate more talents with a solid grasp of theory and practice, thereby assisting the country to develop its biotech industry.


New curriculums of College of Life Science from the integration of chemistry and biotechnology are created to cultivate talents with interdisciplinary integration ability.

Lots of research projects of teachers and undergraduate students were funded by National Science Council or other government units and their achievements were published in SCI journals. Students of College of Life Science were awarded a prize from after-school research competitions. Lots of national and international symposiums funded by National Science Council or other government units were held by College of Life Science.

Service and Learning
Student associations of College of Life Science host the “Life Sciences Camp”, to recruit students of senior high school from all over the nation to advance knowledge of modern chemistry and biology and environmental biology every summer. Students of College of Life Science gained the best team award of the National Youth Commission for his volunteer work in the Solomon Islands Executive Yuan. Faculties of College of Life became the chief editor and executive director of the Chemistry Journal of Taiwan.

Every year, many international researchers are invited to come and give a lecture. Students of College of Life Science irregularly attend the international conferences or are the visiting scholars in international university.

Industry-University Cooperation
The College of Life Science professors participate in producing study cooperation research plans. Lots of patents and technology transferring were certified.