分類彙整: 未分類



  1. 轉化尖端的分子生物醫學科學研究為實際的生物技術應用。
  2. 結合專業化學與生物知識技能,拓展至生醫應用領域。
  3. 教育培養具專業知能、思考批判與創新、跨領域整合能力與科學倫理素養之人才。


  1. 除鼓勵各學系所師生之互動(包括聯誼及共同研究計畫)外,也將積極推動與各大學及研究機構之學術交流,並與產業界合作,落實教師整合型目標導向之研究計畫為科技應用,以促進我國生技產業之發展。
  2. 整合教師之個別領域專長,組成醫藥品科技學程、生物醫學學程、生物多樣性學程及生物科技學程,大學部學生可依興趣自由選擇,並獲得完整的學程訓練,藉此培育具有發展潛力的研究生,鼓勵其繼續深造。



  1. 教學:三系課程整合、創新生命科學學程、培養具跨領域整合能力之人才教育。
  2. 研究:獲得國科會眾多研究計畫與大學部學生專題研究補助,發表許多研究論文在SCI期刊。學生在校外研究競賽屢獲得獎肯定。近年來獲得國科會生命科學推動中心補助舉辦許多國內外研討會。
  3. 服務學習:每年暑假舉辦全國各高中學生生命科學知識學習與基本訓練為主的營隊。同學參加索羅門志願服務團獲頒青輔會團體獎。老師們負責國內化學季刊的總編輯與執行工作。
  4. 國際化:每年固定邀訪許多國際級學者蒞校進行專題演講或協同教學以拓展學術交流。學生不定期出訪國外參與學術研討會或擔任訪問學者。
  5. 產學合作:教師們參與產學合作,申請專利與技術轉移,成果豐碩。

College of Health Sciences

The rapid growth in modern science knowledge and life medicine research has made highly advanced medical-therapeutic technology possible. As the emerging clinical medical fields become more and more specialized, the tools used for diagnosis and treatment are also getting more sophisticated with intricate precision. Participation of professionals with advanced healthcare and management background are necessary in utilizing telecare to support various healthcare models, or to meet the high society requirement in environmental safety and public health policies. The goals of the College of Health Sciences are therefore to cultivate healthcare professionals with life-long learning skills to support modern medical care, and meet the demands of ageing society and depopulation.

The College of Health Sciences encompasses six departments of specialization: Department of Medical Technology and Biotechnology, Department of Medical Imaging and Radiological Sciences, Department of Public Health, Department of Physical Therapy, Department of Occupational Therapy, and Department of Healthcare Administration and Medical Informatics. All Departments provide bachelor and master degree programs, some also offer PhD or on-the-job graduate programs. The College of Health Sciences aims to provide evidence-based, global-minded and diversified education to enhance the quality of health-care professionals.

1. Cultivating high quality healthcare professionals to meet the strong demands of society in medical care quality.
2. Developing the management and application between medical services and medical information system to strengthen training for professionals and to establish connections across health service disciplines.
3. Strengthening the collaboration in teaching and research among disciplines and internationally to nurture professionals as guards to the environment and occupational health.

In 2013 there are 65 full-time faculty in the College of Health Sciences, providing 7 programs for bachelor of sciences (including one post-baccalaureate bachelor degree program in Integrated Clinical Interpretation based on Laboratory Data), 8 programs for Master of Sciences (2 among them are on-the-job graduate programs). In addition, the Department of Public Health offers a five-year combined undergraduate and master’s degree program, and Departments of Medical Technology and Biotechnology and Public Health also offer PhD programs.

With the principles of ‘excellence teaching’, ‘superior research’ and ‘innovative services’, the College of Health Sciences combines the speciality of each Department, and improves continuously the quality in various aspects concerning teaching, research and administration. The College of Health Sciences aims to cultivate healthcare professionals, educators and researchers with global visions to meet the local- and world-needs:
1. Developing cutting-age technologies and analysing methods concerning nanotechnology, biomedical materials, molecular diagnostics and medical devices, biotechnology, biomedicine and medical imaging.
2. Interpreting the interaction and coupling between changes in environment and gene to health with special emphasis on multivariate facets of environment, epidemiology, and molecular biology.
3. Uniting informational technology, medical data mining and clinical healthcare resources to create an innovating operation system to support the provision of healthcare and clinical decision-making.
4. Constructing updated clinical-therapeutic strategies and training standards to promote high quality of life in managing the consequences of ageing, disability, modern civilized illness and metabolic syndromes.

Investing internationally with organisations such as Harvard University and Universities of Minnesota and Old Dominion (PhD in Public Health), Virginia Commonwealth University (MSc in Medical Management), University of Indianapolis (MSc in Occupational Therapy) and Hokkaido University (Department of Physical Therapy) to broaden the views of the College. The BSc course of Occupational Therapy has also been certified by the World Confederation of Occupational Therapy.

College of Health Sciences1




健康科學院共設有六大學系:醫學檢驗生物技術學系、公共衛生學系、物理治療學系、職能治療學系、 醫學影像暨放射科學系、醫務管理暨醫療資訊學系,從學士班、碩士班、博士班或各領域在職專班,皆以培育能與科學實證配合、與國際接軌、精熟多元醫療照護實務之專業人才為目標。


  1. 因應社會對醫療品質提升之殷切需求,培育高品質健康照護專業人才。
  2. 發展醫療與醫務資訊之管理應用,營造連結健康服務體系之專業人才。
  3. 強化跨國與跨領域教學與合作,養成守護環境與職場安全之專業人才。


目前共有65位專任教師,共提供七項學士學位課程(含學士後醫學檢驗數據整合判讀學士學位學程)、 八項碩士學位課程(含新設置之物理治療碩士班、二門碩士在職專班),另外,公共衛生學系並設有五學年學碩士學位學程、醫學檢驗生物技術學系與公共衛生學系並提供有博士學位課程。


  1. 深入奈米生醫材料、分子診斷技術與醫用儀器研發,發展新一代生醫科技與醫學影像分析技術。
  2. 多面向結合環境變因、流行病學、分子生物學,解讀環境變遷和遺傳本質對健康之影響。
  3. 結合資通科技、醫療資訊探勘與臨床照護,創新健康照護作業提供模式與決策支援系統。
  4. 針對高齡化社會與失能族群、因應文明病與代謝症候群之需求,建構以提高生活品質為目標之治療與臨床訓練模式。


College of Nursing


A. Humanistic Thinking
Provide the public with safe and holistic healthcare through interpersonal interaction, respect for life and the values of others, as well as compliance with professional standards.

B. Critical Thinking
Enhance professional decision-making ability through a goal-oriented process of reflection to rationally examine personal thoughts, beliefs and behaviors.

C. Professionalism
Nurture interdisciplinary nursing and long-term care professionals with the holistic concept of healthcare through excellent and innovative teaching, research and service.

D. Autonomous Learning
Enhance personal growth and professional development through active integration of various resources and pursuit of diverse learning opportunities via multiple channels.

E. Macro Perspective
Promote domestic and international academic exchanges and cooperation as a means of grasping professional development trends in international healthcare, nursing and long-term care as well as enhancing the College’s teaching, research and global visibility.


A. State-of-the-art Teaching Facilities, Ample Learning Space
The College is equipped with specialized classrooms such as the Teaching Center for Basic Clinical Skills, Demolab for Nutriology, Demolab for Traditional Chinese Medicine Nursing and Self-learning Computer Center, which feature state-of-the-art equipment and ample learning space to fully meet nursing and long-term care students’ learning needs.

B. Application and Integration of Diverse Teaching Methods in the Curriculum
Our teachers apply diverse methods such as Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE), Problem-Based Learning ( PBL), Concept Mapping, Interprofessional and Team-Based Learning (TBL) in classroom teaching, and create a quality learning environment that fosters autonomous learning, teamwork and critical thinking in students.

C. Active International Academic Exchanges
The College offers study abroad courses in each academic program. We have exchange agreements with a number of world-renowned nursing-related academic institutions in the United States, Japan and Hong Kong. Foreign scholars are often invited for joint teaching and lectures, and overseas visits and studies are regularly organized for both faculty and students.

D. Thorough Combination of Theory and Clinical Practice
Our teachers achieve the goal of emphasizing both theory and practice by integrating current events and new knowledge into classroom teaching and by aligning curriculum with clinical practice.

E. Interdisciplinary Industry-university Cooperation and R&D Linked Up with Practice
The College enhances the quality of care in clinical practice by actively establishing partnerships with health and long-term care institutions, expanding research resources, as well as developing cross-school and interdisciplinary industry-university cooperation programs and integrated research projects founded on clinical practice.


A. Teaching:
Our curriculum applies innovative, diversified teaching methods integrated with clinical practice. The curriculum is in line with the School’s Teaching Excellence Project, which aims to strengthen students’ interdisciplinary learning and, thereby, enhances students’ professional competences and competitiveness.

B. Research:
The College implements a research mentorship program between beginning and experienced teachers, strengthens academic exchanges within and outside school, and promotes interdisciplinary research collaboration in order to secure research funding and enhance research capacity.

C. Service Learning:
Our teachers play an active role in government agencies, nursing professional groups and civil society organizations, and serve as editorial board members, editors and consultants for domestic and foreign academic journals. Our students enrich their humanistic literacy and social awareness by stretching their learning wings to participate in service-learning activities and international volunteer programs.

D. Internationalization:
The College has established academic ties with several globally renowned institutions, and expands students’ international perspective by regularly offering overseas study courses, such as Overseas Nursing Study, Cross-cultural Study, Culture and Health, Public Health and Aging and Independent Study, as well as periodically inviting internationally renowned scholars for lectures.

E. Industry-University Cooperation:
Our teachers participate in industry-university cooperation programs and promote the results of sharing in cooperative R&D between academia and industry in order to enhance the research quality of clinical practice.


一、 人本思維

二、 批判思考

三、 專業素養

四、 自主學習

五、 宏觀視野


一、 教學設備新穎、學習空間充足

二、 課程應用及融入多元教學法
運用客觀的臨床能力試驗(Objective Structured Clinical Examination,OSCE)、問題導向學習法 (Problem-Based Learning,PBL)、概念圖 (Concept Mapping) 、跨領域(Interprofessional)及團隊學習(Team-Based Learning, TBL)等多元方法於課室教學,營造優質的學習環境,培養學生自主學習、團隊合作及批判性思考能力。

三、 國際學術交流熱絡

四、 落實課室學理與臨床實務之結合

五、 結合實務之跨領域產學合作與研究發展


一、 教學:課程應用及融入創新、多元之教學法、與實務結合,並與教學卓越計畫接軌,強化學生跨領域學習,以提升學生專業知能及競爭力。

二、 研究:推動年輕教師與資深教師研究輔導與合作計畫(mentorship),強化校內、校際之學術交流,以及推動跨領域研究合作,以爭取研究經費和提升研究產能。

三、 服務學習:教師積極參與政府機關、護理專業團體及民間組織之專業服務,並擔任國內外相關期刊編輯委員、總編輯或顧問。學生透過服務學習及國際志工拓展學習觸角,以豐富其人文素養與社會關懷。

四、 國際化:與國際知名大學締結姊妹校,定期辦理海外修課與研習活動,開設「海外護理研習」、「跨文化研討」、「文化與健康」、「公共衛生與高齡化」及「獨立研究」等課程,並不定期邀請國際知名學者授課演講,以拓展學生國際觀。

五、 產學合作:教師參與產學合作計畫,加強學界與業界之研發成果共用,以提升臨床實務之研究品質。

College of Pharmacy

Established on August 1, 1999, the College of Pharmacy, which at that time was comprised of an undergraduate department and two graduate institutes, was the first college of its kind in Taiwan. The college currently consists of the School of Pharmacy (composed of undergraduate, MS and Ph.D. programs in Pharmaceutical Sciences, In-service M.S. program and M.S. program in Clinical Pharmacy), the Department of Fragrance and Cosmetics (composed of undergraduate and MS programs), the Graduate Institute of Natural Products (compose of M.S. and Ph.D. programs), and Ph.D. program in Toxicology.


Three educational goals of the college include life-pharmacy orientation, innovation in research and development, and service with care. There are six dimensions to develop; 1) to train professionals in pharmaceutical science, clinical pharmacy, fragrance cosmetics, herbal medicine, biotechnology and toxicology; 2) to promote the academic research in TCM and natural medicine in combination with technology, and to satisfy the requirement for modernizing TCM development and safety; 3) to enhance international cooperation in education and research; 4) to enhance the cooperation between basic, clinical medicine and life sciences to augment research competitiveness; 5) to promote industry-university cooperation and aid the growth of pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries; 6) to provide quality health care in pharmacy and aesthetic medicine, and to achieve the university’s goal of excellence in teaching, innovation in research, quality in humanistic art, and care in society.


  1. Contemplating pharmaceutical trends, planning pharmacy courses, as well as training professionals, the manpower of the Pharmaceutical Science, Pharmaceutical Care, and Biomedicine.
  2. Equipping students majoring in natural products with innovative research and development capacity for outstanding performance
  3. Establishing standards for the study of fragrance and cosmetics
  4. Fostering clinical pharmaceutical professionals and developing a pharmaceutical care system
  5. Fostering interdisciplinary toxicological professionals as well as promoting the certification and registration program for toxicologists in Taiwan
  6. Promoting pharmaceutical education reform and renovating the look of pharmacy
  7. Passing on and rejuvenating the KMU Pharmacy heritage


1. Teaching and Research
By formulating well-organized learning programs and integrated course maps as well as by fully utilizing the resources and the qualified instructors of the school and its teaching hospital, we can develop patient-oriented high-quality pharmacy training program via PBL and the OSCE evaluation method and nurture qualified pharmacists with the ability to understand clinical problems and how to care for patients.

2. Internationalization
To improve the faculty and the students’ ability to internationalize, the college has been active in promoting and encouraging all sorts of international cooperation in order to broaden the student’s perspective. The university has signed sister university agreement with 28 international colleges. Previously, the college has already had sister colleges such as the University of North Carolina, Ohio State University, and Nova Southeastern University. Recently, we have also signed memorandum and academic cooperation with the Colleges of Pharmacy of the University of Southern California, University of California San Diego, Palm Beach Atlantic University, University of Uppsala and University of Szeged. In 2012, the university signed the Ph.D. dual degree cooperation agreement with the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and the University of Szeged, Hungary.


1. Teaching and Research
By formulating well-organized learning programs and integrated course maps as well as by fully utilizing the resources and the qualified instructors of the school and its teaching hospital, we can develop patient-oriented high-quality pharmacy training program via PBL and the OSCE evaluation method and nurture qualified pharmacists with the ability to understand clinical problems and how to care for patients.

2. Internationalization
To improve the faculty and the students’ ability to internationalize, the college has been active in promoting and encouraging all sorts of international cooperation in order to broaden the student’s perspective. The university has signed sister university agreement with 28 international colleges. Previously, the college has already had sister colleges such as the University of North Carolina, Ohio State University, and Nova Southeastern University. Recently, we have also signed memorandum and academic cooperation with the Colleges of Pharmacy of the University of Southern California, University of California San Diego, Palm Beach Atlantic University, University of Uppsala and University of Szeged. In 2012, the university signed the Ph.D. dual degree cooperation agreement with the University of Uppsala, Sweden, and the University of Szeged, Hungary.


1999年8月1日本校成立全國第一所藥學院,藥學院包含藥學系 (含碩士班、博士班、碩士在職專班及臨床藥學碩士班)、香粧品學系(含碩士班)、天然藥物研究所(碩士班及博士班)及毒理學博士學位學程,基礎堅實,聲譽卓著。












一、 教學研究
規劃完善教學課程,並製訂系統融貫的課程地圖,運用本校及附設教學醫院的資源及藥局優良師資,導入問題導向學習(PBL; Problem-Based Learning)教學方法及客觀結構性臨床評估(OSCE; Objective Structured Clinical Examination)評核方法,發展以病人為導向之優良藥學教育訓練,並培育了解臨床醫藥問題關懷能力的優質藥師。

為增進師生專業能力之國際化,近年來更是積極推動及鼓勵參與各種國際交流活動以拓展視野,除了校級姐妹校的28個國際大學中,也有北卡羅萊納大學藥學院、俄亥俄州立大學和諾華東南大學三個美國姐妹校外,更與南加州大學、加州大學聖地牙哥分校、亞特蘭大棕櫚灘大學、匈牙利賽蓋德大學(University of Szeged)及瑞典烏普薩拉大學(University of Uppsala)等五校藥學院簽訂合作備忘錄和學術交流協定。於2012年促進推動本校與匈牙利賽蓋德大學(University of Szeged)及瑞典烏普薩拉大學完成博士班雙聯學制合作之簽署,提高本校國際能見度與知名度,提供師生更多國際資源與合作機會。

College of Medicine


1. Professionalism
Produce medical professionals with sufficient professional knowledge and skills, who are capable of lifelong learning and doing innovative researches.

2. Local Concerns
Sound holistic education will produce highly trained medical professionals who are compassionate, widely knowledgeable, highly skilled, adept at communication, and mindful of medical ethics.

3. Community Service
We not only aim to improve the quality of health care and participate in the planning and implementation of national health care policies, and enhance the quality of our medical service and biomedical research, but also apply new biomedical knowledge to clinical practice so as to raise the general standard of public health by encouraging the citizens to participate in sports.

4. Global View
We encourage exchange and cooperation with domestic and foreign medical centers as a means of enhancing our international reputation and improving the quality of our education, research, medicine, and service.


  1. In accordance with the national development goals of science, there will be training for biomedical researchers, enhancement of short and long-term exchange programs between world-renowned academic institutions, which include medical genetics, bioinformatics, translational medicine, pharmacogenomics and other relevant integrative trainings.
  2. Interdisciplinary and interscholastic research resources and skills will be integrated into the requirements for applying the integrative projects; highly-capable researchers shall be nurtured, and participate the research projects for international cooperation and development of the National Science Council.
  3. There will be the establishment of a research platform for basic and clinical sciences, applied structure and mechanism for translational medicine, enhanced development for research technology, and development of related technology transfer and opportunities for academic-industry liaison.
  4. Education in the College of Medicine and the university hospital, and the establishment and cooperation of a research talent pool will be promoted so as to best fulfill the purpose of utilizing talents and enhancing effectiveness in all aspects.
  5. Plans and assessment for long-term development of medical education are to be drafted.
  6. Innovating teaching material and quality enhancement will be promoted.
  7. Medical education research will be promoted so as to achieve medical education reform.
  8. Curriculum reform has entered the second phase. The curriculum shall be deepened from horizontal integration to vertical integration and intercollegiate cooperation. In order to bridge with the world’s top medicine education, the number of foreign students will be increased, international exchange among medical students and medical schools will be enhanced, and the humanistic competency, social care and international perspective of all students and faculty shall be further entrenched.
  9. Health care professionals with a global competitive edge will be nurtured, international academic visibility and influence increased, humanistic competency of students enhanced so as to achieve the goal of holistic education, realize social care, continue caring for minority groups, and participate in international humanistic medical and health care.


  1. In teaching: integration of course, development of innovative teaching, cultivation of self-learning, promotion of medical humanity education.
  2. In research: construction of translational medicine platform, application of research outcome to clinical practice, execution of national integrative research project, establishment of National Sun Yat-sen University-Kaohsiung Medical University Joint Research Center, improvement on published SCI research papers in clinical medicine and basic sciences.
  3. In service and learning: promotion of service learning through team work between faculty and students, practice of international volunteer service program, e.g. India, Swaziland, Republic of Malawi, Solomon Islands mobile medical service team etc.
  4. In internationalization: promotion of international academic exchange, establishment of international student exchange program, having courses taught by international scholars, and development of medical sciences with Waseda University.
  5. In university-industry cooperation: fruitful university-industry cooperation by faculty, establishment of university-industry cooperation centers, and promotion of the sharing of research outcome with industry



一、 專業素養

二、 關懷鄉土

三、 服務社會

四、 宏觀視野


  1. 根據國家科學發展目標,從事相關生物醫學科技研究人才培育,加強本校與國際知名學術機構之短、長期人員交流,包括基因醫學、生物資訊、轉譯醫學與基因藥理等方面之整合訓練。
  2. 跨領域、跨院校整合相關研究資源與技術,提升整合型計畫申請能量;培養院內具高研究能量人才,加入國科會之國際合作發展研究計畫。
  3. 建立基礎醫學與臨床醫學研究平台,建立轉譯醫學應用架構與機制,強化技術研發成果發展,發展相關技術移轉與產學合作契機。
  4. 積極推動醫學院與附設醫院教學、研究人才庫之建立與合作,落實人才之最佳應用,以有效提升整體成效。
  5. 推動醫學教育研究,擬定醫學教育中長程發展計劃,推動教材創新與品質提昇以落實醫學教育改革成效。
  6. 藉由跨院、校之合作,將課程橫向整合、縱向深化,與先進國家的醫學教育接軌,增加外國學生,強化醫學教育之國際交流。
  7. 培育具國際競爭力之健康專業人才、提升國際學術能見度及影響力、深化學生人文涵養,實現社會關懷及持續照顧弱勢族群,參與國際人道醫療與健康照護,達成全人教育目標。


  1. 教學:課程整合與教學卓越接軌、發展創新教學、培養學生自學能力、推動醫學人文教育。
  2. 研究:建構轉譯醫學研發平台、落實學術研究成果與臨床醫學應用結合、爭取執行國家整合型應用研究計畫、與國立中山大學成立跨校研究中心、提高臨床醫學與基礎醫學領域的論文與 SCI 論文總數。
  3. 服務學習:以師生合作、團隊工作,並由校方支持與輔導的發展模式,進行服務學習與國際志願服務計劃,每年組服務團前往印度、史瓦濟蘭、馬拉威、索羅門等進行志願服務。
  4. 國際化:拓展國際學術交流、建立多元國際學生交換計畫、外籍教授協同教學、與早稻田大學合作發展健康醫學科技。
  5. 產學合作:教師參與產學合作計畫、加強學界與業界研發成果共享,成果豐碩。

To Cultivate Healthcare Professionals with Global Mobility

The objectives of internationalization are to facilitate the international exchanges between Kaohsiung Medical University (“KMU”) and overseas universities/institutes in order to enhance the international competitiveness of both the teaching staff and students and thus nurture international professionals of the new era. These are consistent with the aims of our “Program for Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning” granted by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan. Though which we hope to increase the international exchange opportunities and promote global awareness of the faculties and students, develop teaching and learning resources for humane medicine, substantiate internationalization for teaching, establish an international campus and to promote internationalization via overseas learning.

Academic Exchange and Cooperation between Sister Universities

KMU values the significance of international exchange and cooperation in developing students’ global perspectives. We have signed a total of 52 cooperative and exchange agreements with 15 universities in 16 countries, including the USA, the UK, Canada, Australia, Poland, Hungary, Sweden, Israel, South Africa, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Republic of Indonesia, and India etc.
Mr. James Chen, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of KMU, is committed to international academic exchanges. In 1995, he donated one million U.S. dollars to establish the “KMU-Harvard Alliance Fund” with a purpose to support young faculty, physicians, and medical students of KMU to have advanced training, research, or study at Harvard Medical School on a regular basis. Many faculty, physicians and students have benefited from this sponsorship and exposed to medical education of an international caliber in the teaching hospitals of Harvard Medical School. To enhance mutual exchange, KMU facilitated a program, Field Experience in International Occupational Health & Safety, for the graduate students of Harvard School of Public Health since 2004. For this program, 2.5 credits are recognized by Harvard School of Public Health. KMU has also successfully opened a four-week clinical elective course for Harvard medical students in April 2012 and 4 credits are recognized by Harvard. Moreover, some professors of Nephrology and Pathology at Harvard Medical School were invited to KMU for “Harvard Renal Week” teaching program since 2009. In addition to deliver lectures, they acted as PBL tutors with KMU faculty together. “Harvard Renal Week” has become a distinguishing feature of KMU medical program and is highly expected by KMU medical students. Due to the successful cooperation with Harvard University, Mr. James Chen was awarded a silver medal by the Ministry of Education, Taiwan for his contribution.

Student Study Abroad and International Volunteer Service

The frequency of academic exchange has been soaring. The College of Medicine has also been regularly selecting teaching/research staffs and students for academic exchange or practicing internships at the Harvard Medical School and the University of Hawaii. Master students at the School of Nursing attend the “Cross-cultural Nursing” course at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, School of Nursing as part of their international exchange program. The College of Dental Medicine also has exchange programs with the School of Dental Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania for course learning or clinical exposure. Master students at the Department of Healthcare Administration and Medical Informatics at the College of Health Sciences have also been attending “Special Topics in US Hospital Management” courses at the Department of Health Administration, Virginia Commonwealth University.
To broaden students’ vision, supported by “the Program for Promoting Excellence in Teaching and Learning” that is sponsored by Taiwan Ministry of Education, we organized several student volunteer service teams to do public health related service in the Solomon Islands, the Republic of Malawi, Southern India and Northern India every year since 2007. Their dedicated performance wins recognition from the public and therefore has been awarded many prizes such as:
․ The Best, 2007 National GYSD(Global Youth Service Day) Competition on Group Performance of International Volunteer Service, the Team to the Republic of Malawi.
․ The 2nd Best, 2008 National GYSD Competition on Group Performance of International Volunteer Service, the team to Southern India.
․ The 2nd Best, 2009 National Youth Volunteer Service for Regional Peace Competition on Group Performance of International Volunteer Service, the team to the Republic of Malawi.
․ The Best, 2010 National Youth Contribution Award on Group Participation in International Service, the team to the Solomon Islands.
․ The Best, 2010 National Youth Volunteer Service for Regional Peace Competition on Creative International Service, the team to Northern India.
․ The Best, 2011 National Youth Contribution Award on Personal Participation in International Service, Yu-Lin Dai, School of Medicine.
․ The Best, 2012 iVT Competition on Innovative Group Volunteer Service, the team to Northern India.

Create a Friendly Environment for International Students

Since 2008, the Master’s Program in Clinical Medicine of KMU has joined the Higher Education Scholarship Program supported by the Taiwan International Cooperation and Development Fund (ICDF). There have been eight international students from the Republic of Gambia, Saint Lucia, Haiti, Guatemala, Mongolia and Swaziland enrolled in this program and six students successfully graduated. Furthermore, to help the Gambian Government educate medical laboratory professionals, KMU established a special 4-year bachelor program in Medical Laboratory Sciences and Biotechnology in 2010. The Gambian Government has sent 11 students to enroll in this program and sponsored all their tuition and expenses.
In addition, KMU has offered 20 different programs for international students in 2013 as follows:

Degree Programs
Bachelor Post-Baccalaureate Medicine, Respiratory Therapy, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Healthcare Administration and Medical Informatics
Master Medicine, Medical Genetics, Dentistry, Fragrance and Cosmetic Science, Nursing, Natural Products, Sports Medicine, Pharmacy, Healthcare Administration and Medical Informatic, Biomedical Science and Environmental Biology, Medicinal and Applied Chemistry
Ph.D Medicine, Dentistry, Natural Products, Medicinal and Applied Chemistry

Furthermore, a variety of scholarships are available for international students at KMU:
(1) Taiwan Scholarship: students may apply through local embassies/consulates of the Republic of China or Taiwan Economic and Cultural Office in the student’s home country.
(2) The Foreign Student Scholarships of the Ministry of Education, Taiwan.
(3) The Kaohsiung Medical University International Graduate Students Grant
(4) Various intra-mural scholarships of KMU
KMU has also been placing efforts on organizing and holding international academic conferences to share new knowledge. Success has been made in “International Symposium on Human Dengue Pathogenesis and Clinical Aspects”, “International Conference on Woman Scientists”, “International Conference on Food & Drug Safety Assessment”, “International Conference of Medical Professionalism & Humanities”, “International Conference on Liver Cancer: from Bench to Bedside”, “International Symposium for Disaster Medicine” and “International Conference on Evidence-Based Research and Practice in Older Adults,” etc. Through these conferences, the teaching and clinical staff at the University and affiliated Hospitals would have opportunities to develop liaison with international scholars.
To facilitate new era professional talents with international competencies for the global market, KMU is dedicated to establish an international campus. In addition to courses on foreign languages and professions, we plan to offer students education and training they may require for their future career. Our practices increase the number of English-lectured courses, dual/joint degrees, recognition of overseas courses, cultural activities, programs that train student ambassadors for international affairs, forums about Taiwan Elites and International Industries, etc. Furthermore, we offer grants for students who go abroad to experience various kinds of overseas learning, arrange internship programs in international companies, and provide information about international certificates related to medical professions. Through these strategies, we expect to broaden and deepen students’ vision and thus enhance their international competitiveness.

Facing the rapid development and the increasing competition in globalization, the higher education in Taiwan needs to catch the speed for internationalization, which is critical for pursuing excellence in education. We hope to develop a multi-dimensional, poly-cultural learning environment and provide cross-border resources and infrastructure to KMU faculty and students to broaden their vision and to facilitate development of communication capacities, in order to enroot the education for international humanistic medical service in Taiwan. Through this, it is hoped that the modernized professionalism and increased international competitiveness are to be developed and future leadership are to be incubated. These goals will only be achievable with the participation and efforts from all at the Kaohsiung Medical University.

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