(中央研究院 張煥正教授提供)
摘自Nature Nanotechnology(2013)doi:10.1038/nnano.2013.147Received
04 October 2012 Accepted 26 June 2013 Published online 04 August 2013幹細胞具有維持組織的生理恆定並修復組織內細胞損傷的功能。因此如何確切掌控幹細胞移植進入生物體後的分布動向,成為幹細胞治療應用成功與否的關鍵。中央研究院細胞與個體生物學研究所特聘講座游正博博士與原子與分子科學研究所特聘研究員張煥正博士所領導的研究團隊最近發表於國際高影響指數的學術期刊「自然奈米科技」(Nature Nanotechnology),提出結合數種新穎技術,建構一個細胞追蹤方法,能偵測移植到肺部組織幹細胞的分布,並取得高解析單一細胞的影像。這個方法可以應用於未來觀測與評估幹細胞移植後在體內修復受損組織的能力,與探討影響幹細胞移植相關的因子與機制。
螢光標示分子的各種巧妙應用,立下了分子生物學的里程碑。隨之而起的需要是更亮、更持久、生物相容性更好的標示記號。本研究所利用的螢光奈米鑽石除了具有以上優點外,更可以利用生命週期螢光顯微鏡影像技術區分出螢光生命週期較長的螢光奈米鑽石,並加以追蹤在組織的分布情形。研究團隊將肺部已損傷的小鼠移植螢光奈米鑽石標定的肺部幹細胞後,實驗結果發現以螢光奈米鑽石標定的肺部幹細胞不僅會回到受傷的肺部區域來進行修補並再生出新的肺部組織,也能夠藉由共軛焦顯微鏡建構螢光生命週期影像系統來追蹤體內微量的肺部幹細胞。此項成果可以為奈米科學和生物醫學的應用開啟一個新方向,盼望在未來疾病或癌症幹細胞的治療領域,可繼續發展出可能的臨床應用。Stem cell therapy has the potential to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. Unlocking this potential requires effective methods both for isolating and expanding stem cells and for tracking their ultimate fate when introduced into their host. A study has been published online in the high impact journal Nature Nanotechnology describes new methods for isolating, expanding, and labeling lung stem cells, that uses fluorescent nanodiamonds to track the fate of individual cells. This technology may offer insights into the factors that determine the acceptance of transplanted stem cells and their ability to regenerate within a host.
The labs, headed by John Yu, M.D., Ph.D., Distinguished Chair of Institute of Cellular & Organismic Biology, and Huan-Cheng Chang, Ph.D., Distinguished Research Fellow, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Sciences, Academia Sinica, collaborated on the work.First, they developed a new stem cell isolation method for lung stem cells (LSCs), using cell surface glycoprotein markers discovered by specialized proteomic analysis. They demonstrate that cells isolated with this method possess not only the abilities to self-renew and differentiate into lung tissues, but also the in vivo homing and regenerative abilities expected of a LSC. Next, they used fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs) to label these cells. FNDs are novel imaging probes which are not only chemically robust and fluorescently stable, but also biologically inert and nontoxic. These nanoparticles can be readily taken up by cells through endocytosis. When excited by green-yellow light, the built-in fluorophores emit stable far-red emission with a fluorescence lifetime of up to 15 ns, much longer than 1 ~ 4 ns of endogenous and exogenous fluorophores commonly used in cell biology. This property makes it possible to separate FND emission from strong autofluorescence backgrounds of host tissue, using special strategies described in this manuscript.
The authors successfully demonstrate the use of this system to isolate LSCs, engraft them in mouse models of lung injury, and track single cell fates. They illustrate that FND-labeled LSCs preferentially home to injured lungs more rapidly than to uninjured controls, enabling the lung epithelium to be restored more rapidly. In addition to demonstrating the therapeutic potential of such treatment, these results also support an “active homing” model in which transplanted LSCs proactively migrate to injured tissue, as opposed to non-specific/passive entrapment.
Yu and Chang suggest that this method has broad applicability to stem cell research, and that similar techniques could be used to monitor the uptake of different kinds of stem cells in other tissues.
The full article entitled “Tracking the engraftment and regenerative capabilities of transplanted lung stem cells using fluorescent nanodiamonds” is available at the Nature Nanotechnology website